Black Support for Trump Nearly Doubles!

Originally published at: Black Support for Trump Nearly Doubles! |

Looks like the number of woke niggaz is on the rise. Donald Trump’s approval among blacks has almost doubled since last year.

A black pastor also praised Trump as a pro-black President.

Even though blacks should ultimately be separated and moved back to Africa, it is good to see a rise in support for Trump among them in this current paradigm. Blacks for many years have been firmly behind the Democrat party. Trump is starting to win them over with his policies and is beginning to tap into some of the black vote.

This isn’t a surprise though. The economy is doing much better and black unemployment is at historically low levels. And on top of that, many blacks do not support illegal immigration. They don’t want to be competing for jobs with illegal spics.

So it wouldn’t be a surprise if Trump’s approval rating among blacks continues to go higher. If he keeps tapping into the black vote, the Democrat party will have some serious problems.


Well, the low IQ nigggeeros eventually figure it out. Ah,ah,ah, does 3% nigger unemployment mean it’s better than a 9% nigger unemployment?

The only people arguing the point on Trump’s success are kikes and cat ladies.


@discustard they have a very hard time admitting they were wrong.


smart parasites know whats good for their host is good for them…

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