Black Michigan State Rep Threatens Trump Supporters

Originally published at: Black Michigan State Rep Threatens Trump Supporters |

Cynthia Johnson a crazy black Democrat state representative in Michigan posted a video on Facebook where she threatened supporters of Donald Trump.

Michigan Democratic State Rep. Cynthia Johnson threatened @realDonaldTrump supporters in a Facebook live video Tuesday, saying it is a warning message to those who support the president.

Read more here:

— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) December 9, 2020

She’s apparently angry at the amount of hate mail and phone calls she got after acting like a stupid bitch during the recent election fraud hearings. She was trying to bully witnesses and claimed that everybody who saw voter fraud was lying. So all the hate mail she got was deserved.

This dumb cunt belongs in prison. She is clearly a domestic terrorist and seems to be suffering from a mental disorder. The fact that someone of such low caliber is able to become a government official, speaks volumes of how morally bankrupt our society has become.


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