Bitcoin is Under Assault From Jews

Originally published at: Bitcoin is Under Assault From Jews |

As I write this, Bitcoin is down over 11 percent. Other cryptos are down by substantial margins as well.

Bitcoin falls 11.3% to $33,250, ether down 16.6%

— Reuters (@Reuters) May 23, 2021

There has been an all out assault on cryptos by Jews largely because it is becoming a larger and larger threat to their existing system of usury. The main narrative they’ve been pushing is how Bitcoin mining is bad for the environment because it uses electricity and thus contributes to climate change. Even the heretical fake Pope is pushing this ridiculous narrative.

Technology based on the use of highly polluting fossil fuels needs to be replaced without delay. There is reason to hope that humanity at the dawn of the 21st century will be remembered for having generously shouldered its grave responsibilities. #LaudatoSiWeek

— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) May 19, 2021

Regular currencies use electricity at a much higher rate than Bitcoin miners. So if they were really concerned about the fake problem of climate change, they’d push to end currencies like the US Dollar. They do not do that though, proving that their argument is a bunch of bullshit and only advanced for political reasons.

Jews like Janet Yellen have claimed that Bitcoin is bad because criminals use it. This is also an absurd argument because criminal activity takes place with normal currencies at a much higher rate.

Janet Yellen stated today that cryptocurrencies are concerning because of terrorist financing and money laundering.

She forgot to mention that the US dollar is the choice currency of criminals around the world.

The large banks launder more money than entire Bitcoin market cap.

— Pomp 🌪 (@APompliano) January 19, 2021

On top of all that, we are now hearing that Bitcoin is bad because Iranians are mining it and using it to bypass sanctions imposed on them by ZOG.

Here's a sneak preview of the upcoming #Elliptic Guide to Sanctions Compliance in Cryptocurrencies:

How Iran uses #Bitcoin mining to effectively "export" millions of barrels of oil each year and bypass sanctions. #cryptocompliance

— elliptic (@elliptic) May 21, 2021

I could care less if Iranians or anybody else for that matter is involved in Bitcoin mining. The entire system was built so that anybody could mine it.

The anti-crypto arguments being advanced by these people are stupid. They are just angry that their evil and corrupt usury system is falling apart and could potentially be replaced by cryptos.


Anything that bypasses the existing system must be ruthlessly suppressed.


I kinda like this, because most of these cryptocurrency people are completely blind to the jews, they just think they had “muh freedom” and never thought there was a people that could ban pretty much anything.

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