Bitcoin Hits New All-Time High Above $72,000

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Bitcoin has hit a new all-time high. It just pushed past $72,000.

Bitcoin has just hit new ATH above $72k.

— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) March 11, 2024

This follows gold hitting new all-time highs in recent weeks.

Can Bitcoin go even higher? Sure it can. Of course, when any asset goes parabolic like this it generally retraces at some point. There’s obviously no telling where it will go in the short term, but longer term I feel quite positive about Bitcoin. Especially considering the general state of Western economies.

People are obviously flocking to Bitcoin because it represents an asset outside of these fragile Jewish banking systems. You also have widespread inflation and other economic issues that is helping fuel this shift.

I’ve maintained for years that you want assets outside of these Jewish systems so you can eat and survive during a systemic collapse. That’s why I personally own gold, silver and Bitcoin.

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people are looking for an alternative to making.02% on their money in the Jew Bank and crypto is the way and the light.

Buy some Pepe Coin asap. I keep waiting for it to crash so I can buy more but it keeps pumping. Pepe can be bought on


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