Biden's Student Loan Bailout Ruled Unconstitutional

Originally published at: Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Ruled Unconstitutional |

Joe Biden’s plan to give minimal student loan debt relief was mostly just a scam to get votes. Now a judge has ruled the plan unconstitutional. It’s hilarious that this ruling comes just days after the midterms.

Joe Biden's student loan bailout has been ruled unconstitutional.

How many young voters went to the polls Tuesday thinking their loans would be cancelled?

— Lance Gooden (@Lancegooden) November 11, 2022

All the energy that Republicans, boomers and “conservatives” spent bitching about this was insane. It was politically stupid. The Democrats never wanted to actually do anything substantive about the student loan problem to begin with. That’s why it was dumb to complain about it. The Republicans made themselves look like they were attacking the people who took out the loans by attacking the bailout plan.

The people who are mired with student loan debt are the victims of fraud. The Republicans have offered no viable alternative to help fix any of this. They just babbled about how the people who took out these loans were lazy and stupid. They did this despite all of society telling these fraud victims they had to get a college degree to avoid being a worthless piece of shit.

The colleges with big endowments that are exempt from taxation should primarily be the ones forced to pay relief. They are the ones who have been benefiting off of this fraud for years, but we all know that will never happen.

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It is no surprise today’s young folk are so fucked up. They literally leave high school with a credit card without knowing how to even balance a check book. Watching on TV everyday rich fucking people while they survive on chips and top Ramen. They will never own a car, never prosper. Their biggest dream is UBI. No wonder they are into self mutilation.

Some sick shit going with the democrats. They stand for nothing but money, basically. All these bridges to nowhere. We know what it’s about. Gavin Newsome. Now Biden wants one, and looks like he’ll probablt get it. Every dollar of welfare paid out, you know Dems get a cut. If young people could just get taught some decent money skill, it could go a long way to turning this around. Even in old days, if a man couldn’t read, he sure as hell knew the true value of a dollar.

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