Biden Wears Mask During Virtual Call on Climate Issues

Originally published at: Biden Wears Mask During Virtual Call on Climate Issues |

During a virtual conference call on climate issues attended by various world leaders, Joe Biden was the only one wearing a mask.

Pres. Biden masks up for a video call to discuss climate change with world leaders

He appears to be the only one wearing a mask

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) April 23, 2021

Why would he do this?

Does he think the coronavirus could transmit itself over the Internet?

It also raises another question.

Is that even Biden on the screen?

Deep fake technology has gotten to the point where almost anybody can fake videos of world leaders, celebrities and anybody else for that matter. And it is certainly easier to do a deep fake of someone if they are wearing a mask.

Everything has just gotten so crazy. Nobody knows who is even running anything as a senile old man is presented as the alleged President of America. It’s so dumb and insane.


The treasonous DumberRats cult of traitors and foreign enemy dicktator goobermints are desperate to keep that old demented senile child sniffing pedophilic potato relic alive, so wearing a mask is very evident of this frail and vulnerable puppet’s health.
I’m still betting he dies from a jammer while in office.
Juz sayin . .


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