Biden Says $95 Billion Jew War Bill Will Make America Safer

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Joe Biden after signing the $95 billion Jew war bill claimed that this would make America safer.

Pres. Biden: "I just signed into law the national security package that was passed by the House of Representatives this weekend and by the Senate yesterday. It's going to make America safer, it's going to make the world safer and it continues America's leadership in the world."

— CSPAN (@cspan) April 24, 2024

This is just another lie. America is less safe than ever over these stupid Jewish wars.

Just how in the hell is America more safe when America is bankrolling Jewish wars all around the world while simultaneously allowing an endless number of illegal alien invaders to walk across the southern border?

Explain that one Joe, you senile Zionist piece of shit.

By every objective measure this bill makes America less safe.


The trillions of dollars funneled to Israel both overtly and covertly have been squandered and pilfered. no one is asking: “why didn’t Israel invest in their own defense industry instead of being solely reliant upon the USA?” . It’s been over 70 years since Palestinian land was gifted to the evil Jews yet they have nothing to show for it. The Jews just keep compromising and buying US politicians to do their bidding and fight their wars for them. This can’t go on forever…

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apparently there’s no stopping the kosher murder machine

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Complete and total BULLSHIT, countries on the other side of the world, it will have either no effect or it will make Hamas and Russia even MORE angry at us.

I can tell you what it will do, blast already huge Inflation through the roof. Of which BIDEN is at least 90% responsible for these past 4 years.

More Bidenflation which almost no one in America wants or needs. :rage: #FJB

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