Biden Regime to Push New Fake Vaccine on to Americans

Originally published at: Biden Regime to Push New Fake Vaccine on to Americans |

It is pretty much confirmed that the Biden-ZOG regime is going to be pushing another fake COVID-19 shot on Americans.

NOW – Biden administration will soon be "encouraging" Americans to get an "updated" injection against COVID.

— (@disclosetv) August 28, 2023

It also looks as if the new fake vaccine shot will be paid for with taxpayer money. They are demanding Congress pay for it and we all know the Republicans will only pretend to oppose this demand.

Biden to ask US Congress to fund new Covid vaccine

— RT (@RT_com) August 28, 2023

This money will go right into the pockets of the same corrupt Jewish pharmaceutical companies that made gazillions of dollars off the last fake vaccine shots.

If you take one of these shots because of Biden’s endorsement, you are truly too dumb and retarded to live. Nobody should take health advice from someone who has lied repeatedly about everything imaginable.

Remember the so-called winter of death? According to Biden, I should be dead right now for not taking the previous COVID-19 shots, but I am not dead. I am alive and still writing things on the Internet.


You would surprised how many of the the sheep will fall for the hoax again.


yes, it was terrible…and because of our foolishness we also endured “the pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

There was a dumbass woman at the post office today all masked-up. The propaganda is working but so far only on the lunatic fringe.


Fuck the vaccine.

I am also seeing a lot of people masking up again.

This is a run-up for the 2024 election to make sure mail-in ballots will be widely available, especially in battleground states, so the Democrats can steal the election again.


I had to go to a new Dr. today because my Dr. retired due to health reasons from taking the vaccine. The PA I saw was a woman (Not that it matters) but she came in wearing a face diaper and was trying to get me to take the flu, shingles, and covid vaccine. I said not on your life. She gave me my medication (blood pressure) and I walked out. I also saw more idiots wearing masks again, mostly niggers.

She also tried to get me to take all these tests which I declined. I said my philosophy is if it’s not broken I don’t fix it. Everything is an insurance scam so the Dr. can get kickbacks from all the unnecessary tests they get their patients to take. Not me.


the new quack doctor knows that your doctor was forced to retire because of the Covid “vaccine” but she still tries to con you into taking the poison. wow… these doctors are sociopaths.

sure, because she wants to find something that’s not 100% so that she can get you on the prescription poison bandwagon. the prescription drugs will cause more problems then more tests and more drugs. Doctors are murder.


After years of my neighborhood being 99.9% masked - I was literally the only person within five miles not wearing one - finally whittled its way down to 10% masked by the end of July. Now, suddenly, it’s back up to 20% masked.


I was the ONLY ONE not wearing the face diaper. I went into Walmart to buy food and expected to be attacked but no one said anything. I spoke to a masked woman and she was surprised because she thought that she had to wear the mask because of the “MASKS MUST BE WORN” sign. People are pathetic. They won’t disobey the fucking sign.


When the scamdemic was in full swing a couple of years ago, and every store had masks required, I walked in without one. Most of the time I wasn’t bothered and the times I was, I told the manager "I’ll take my business elsewhere. "

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The only shithole to fuck with me was Habitat for Humanity which is a Jimmy Carter creation to build homes for Niggers. some pos volunteer told me I had to leave. I gave him an ear-full. he told me that it’s just like requiring shirts and shoes. what a pos…I’m sure he took “the vaccine” and I hope he’s suffering greatly.

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