Biden Regime Resuming Construction on Trump's Racist Wall

Originally published at: Biden Regime Resuming Construction on Trump’s Racist Wall |

The Biden regime is resuming construction on Donald Trump’s racist border wall. They’re even waiving environmental laws to do it.

Here are some random tweets about this news.

Biden administration reverses course, clears way for new border wall by waiving environmental laws

— New York Post (@nypost) October 5, 2023

Former President Donald Trump demanded an apology from President Joe Biden Thursday after the Biden Administration announced plans to resume construction of the border wall championed by Trump—marking a reversal from Biden’s previous criticism of the project.

— Forbes (@Forbes) October 5, 2023

Why are DEMOCRATS acting like they just found out the border is open?

Biden stopped the wall his first day in office.

Since then he’s deconstructed it.

He’s sold off the pieces.

He’s taken down the security cameras.

Fox News has been showing us the massive crowds and the…

— James Bradley (@JamesBradleyCA) October 5, 2023

Biden inherited the most secure border in history, with illegal immigration at a 40 year low

He then ordered border wall construction to be halted

Now he’s acknowledging walls work after allowing 8M illegals to cross our border

That’s 100% an impeachable offense

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) October 5, 2023

Mayorkas now says we need to immediately build a border wall…

But I was told by Biden and his administration that border walls were racist…

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) October 5, 2023

Even Bill O’Reilly is like WTF.

So, now, President Biden wants to build a border wall? Are you kidding me? Best analysis and home to "Killing the Witches" –

— Bill O'Reilly (@BillOReilly) October 5, 2023

I guess they ran the numbers and determined that it would be politically advantageous for them to resume construction on a wall that they previously said was horribly racist?

As some of the above tweets mentioned, they stopped construction of the wall and sold off the wall materials for pennies on the dollar. Now they’ll have to presumably repurchase those same materials.

I honestly don’t know what these people are thinking with this but the only thing that factors into their decisions is power and the ability to maintain that power. They might have bitten off more than they can chew and are backing off on the Jewish invasion agenda. Or who knows, maybe they now want the walls to keep us from fleeing America as things get progressively worse and unstable.


It’s a little too late for that now. The beaners and Africans are already here and the country is already 3rd world.

Reimplement operation wetback to get them out.


This is more than likely the plan.


:hushed: :hushed: :hushed:


Gee, must be an election coming up.

The Jew-controlled Biden regime is realizing that unfettered 3rd world invaders is not popular among their base - as Abbott continues to send buses to sanctuary cities - read this morning that 22 buses are headed to Chicago. The Chicago police just kicked out the invaders from the police station - put them and their shit right out on the sidewalk, LOL.

Once the Dems win POTUS - and they WILL win b/c of rampant vote fraud - any wall constructred will be instantly defunded and dismantled.

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At this point it doesn’t matter if that so-called wall (a bollard fence) is finished because there are 30 to 40 million illegals here already. And more can be easily flown in. Imagine the nerve of those black, brown and yellow varmints, trying to force their way in here and live off of a welfare system they contributed nothing to.

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yes, they have accomplished their goal for the Biden term and now will pretend to be doing something about the immigration crisis. once the 2024 election is stolen they’ll start up again.

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Lie and hoax, for bonus votes. They will do next to nothing, they will do only enough to show on TV a few times to say look we’re doing something, then the cameras will go off, and no more work will be done. Meanwhile they will still let all of them through. Every showing on TV of any border wall construction will be pre-planned and choreographed just like these hoaxters love to do.
If this were real what they would have done is first announce no more amnesty or illegal immigration will be allowed.

They can validate any hoax just by their control of the TV which controls the sheeple and that’s what they will do with this, it’s all for ‘the show.’
These lying Kikes all fancy themselves as some type of Steven Speilberg. They think their TV channels and fake news are the greatest inventions ever, when in reality it’s 1500 channels of TOTAL CRAP.
We saw how they used it to ‘validate’ the election. Their control of all fake news which is all news on TV is extremely dangerous total disinformation and psyop upon the public on a massive scale.
It’s still all about the big lie to them. Big lie technique and thier crowning achievement in total bullshit the holohoax, is the model for everything they do.

It’s a scam on the public and a sham and just a big fucking disgusting lie. We need to get these types out of government completely for obvious reasons. It’s not okay to tell big fucking lies all the time to everyone in America, goddamn slimy dirty lying Kikes.

We know Mayorkas and the Jews are hell bent on letting every beaner or brown skin in, that has not changed, and this is an obvious lie, to get votes.
What they like to do is tell half truths then back it up with TV / media ‘evidence.’ Shouldn’t even call them half truths since they are usually at least 80% lie, or as big as they can get away with.

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