Biden Regime Reportedly to End Military Death Vaxx Mandate

Originally published at: Biden Regime Reportedly to End Military Death Vaxx Mandate |

The Biden regime is reportedly going to end the COVID-19 death vaxx mandate for military personnel.

BREAKING NOW: Following pressure from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy – BIDEN TO RESCIND VACCINE MANDATE – for military personnel…

— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) December 4, 2022

Republicans apparently threatened to withhold votes on the defense funding bill unless the mandate was lifted.

Republicans push to end military vaccine mandate through annual defense bill

— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) December 4, 2022

Republicans are going to act like this is some major victory when it is not even close to that.

Most military members have already been injected with this deadly substance. The damage has already been done. Lifting the mandate now is of little consequence, but it gives Republicans a fake political victory that they can brag about. That appears to be the only purpose of this whole thing.

This is about as much of a victory as Kevin McCarthy promising to read the Constitution aloud on the House floor.


Military - a mass looting operation that can’t account for $2T - finally bowing to congressional pressure? Surrre. Just closing the barn door well after the horses have long gone…

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