Biden Regime Claims Inflation is Down 60 Percent

Originally published at: Biden Regime Claims Inflation is Down 60 Percent |

The douchebag running Joe Biden’s social media account just claimed that inflation in the United States has fallen by 60 percent.

Inflation in the United States has fallen by 60% and core inflation is at its lowest level in two years.

We’re defying projections that it would take a sharp increase in unemployment to bring inflation down.

— President Biden (@POTUS) November 6, 2023

Inflation is not down by 60 percent. Everything is more expensive. Anybody who buys basic necessities understands this.

I have no idea what sort of bullshit numbers of bullshit math they are using to make this claim, but none of it is remotely believable. Everything these people say about the economy is a lie or a lie based on fraudulent numbers.

These people are also claiming that unemployment is under 4 percent while companies have been laying people off in mass.


my entire life they’ve been lying about unemployment and inflation numbers.

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