Biden Channels Satan, Declares War on MAGA Republicans

Originally published at: Biden Channels Satan, Declares War on MAGA Republicans |

Joe Biden delivered a speech last night declaring war on MAGA Republicans in front of a hellish satanic backdrop. It was absolutely the most insane speech given by any American President in all of history.

The whole speech was filled with endless lies and projections as he claimed that MAGA Republicans who support Donald Trump were a major threat to democracy. An insane statement from someone who was fraudulently installed in a totally illegitimate election.


I’ve been saying for a while that this evil regime was planning to refocus their energies domestically since the empire is now in an irreversible state of collapse. The botched withdrawal from Afghanistan and the failed proxy war in the Ukraine against Russia have sent it into an economic tailspin. Europe’s economy is plunging into a depression and it is hard to see how they will be able to maintain political control over these vassal states as Europeans are plunged into poverty.

They are setting the stage to declare all of their political enemies domestic terrorists as part of an effort to establish a one party Marxist dictatorship.

The dumbest part about all of this is that there have been numerous MAGA people calling Biden a fascist. The term “Pedo Hitler” which MAGA boomers have used to describe Biden trended on Twitter last night. These are inaccurate descriptions since Hitler and fascists opposed the people who Biden represents.

Biden is a puppet figure for Jewish Marxism. Most of the important positions are held by Jews.


So what happens next?

At this point, there is a non-zero chance that they may start secretly arresting people on bullshit terrorism charges or just outright killing their political enemies. They may even declare the Republican Party a terrorist group, cancel elections or do any number of other things.

The good news is that it is probably not possible for them to do all of this since the people running things are not very intelligent or competent. The way they have managed the empire shows that they don’t really know what they are doing. Of course, this doesn’t mean that this system is any less dangerous. It’s going to be extremely dangerous as the empire faces increasing amounts of failures abroad.


It’s the “late-stage dementia Joe” show, from now on.
I’m not sure if this is serious or a joke. I mean Joe thinks it’s serious, but other people seem to think it’s a joke. It’s bizarre.

This guy is a next level race traitor, that is for sure.

Hey old white man Joe, put on a red MAGA hat, now you are your own hated enemy. See how easy that was?
A red hat is all it takes for you to look JUST LIKE ONE.
Do you see how stupid you are now? Effing old white TRAITOR

There are no adequate superlatives to describe the nightmare that has befallen America. We are in unchartered waters and could run-aground at any moment… America and the old Soviet Union have traded places. Russia is a god fearing, family values, prosperous nation and The USA a corrupt Super-Power in decline from wanton neglect and high treason.

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Yep that is totally the “I’m channeling Satan” face.

He probably pooped his pants too. And ejaculated?

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