Biden Admits Voter Fraud in Virual Video That's Being Censored by Jews

Most of us here have probably seen this video but it’s worth watching and sharing again. It’s on YouTube but probably not for long. The Jews have been ordered by the corrupt Eff Bee Eye to “fact check” Biden’s own words.

I’ve known for some time that Obama won with voter fraud too which Brandon admits.

the “independent fact checkers” say that there is missing content because Biden meant to say just the opposite of what he said. This is likely true but it’s called a “Freudian Slip” where the liar says the truth by mistake.


I think that some of his gaffes were designed all along to subtly inform us of what is really going on.
So that, When the shit hits the fan, they can claim in actual court that the people were informed all along, however subtly.
The fact is, they let these little truths slip out, and they are, in fact informing us when they do:
I’m thinking that it’s not always by any sort of accidental slip of the tongue:
Remember when Otrauma “cried” at Sandy Hook?— not one tear in his eye, not a drip… but he went and rubbed his “tear” —though in an UPward motion , so that everybody could clearly see that no tear was dripping the only way they drip: downwards, underneath.
Yet only “conspiracy people pointed this out, like I’m doing now. The entire media never questioned it: they never do.
And that’s why I think it’s on purpose at least a lot of the time.
These government and media assholes work together on political shit and are very calculating in even the most subtle of things. It’s hard to catch because they tend to draw attention with hysterics. With these gaffes, the way they work those is by NOT talking about the obvious. Biden could be , like:
“I just want to say… uhh… ummm, that Trump will destroy democracy. I’m serious. He, uhhh, (begins mumbling, uhhh, if he gets in control we’re not about to lose our power so everyone will suffer and we will dig at society a lot worse next time , so, uhhh (clears throat) if he is elected, it will get to be unbearably tyrannical and shit, and (begins sputtering off beat) pprlpr dweedley prprblrb shmeebs, drprbly bah wooooopty dee der dum” Thank you, that’s all for tonight”.
And the media will act; in turn, feigning outrage over Fox News talking about Biden’s speech in “a paranoid way” and Fox won’t mention the possibility that it may have been deliberate, they’ll just say “our senseless, cognitively troubled President embarrassed himself again with another blast of corrosive jibberish, telling us even further that he shouldn’t be president “
They never talk about the people with the puppet strings. So in a way, ALL media is complicit in being lethally full of shit and they give us these messages so lthat, in the end, we can’t argue that we weren’t informed … and that will be when we are suing because we were sold out to someone else…in full, and no longer have our own country. And It will have all been “legit” somehow.
Just a hunch.

Biden speaking the truth for once is an incredibly rare phenomenon.

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his deep-state handlers were probably squirming in their chairs just like when Lucky Larry Silverstein admitted to blowing-up building #7 when interviewed by Charlie Rose.

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