Bibi Claims Nobody in the World Can Stop Them

Originally published at: Bibi Claims Nobody in the World Can Stop Them |

Bibi is making increasingly absurd public statements. He just claimed that the Jews are fighting a war on behalf of the sons of light against the sons of darkness. This after he murdered tens of thousands of defenseless people in Gaza while failing to do anything substantive about Hamas.

NOW – Israel's Netanyahu: "It's not just our war, it's your war as well. This is the war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness."

— (@disclosetv) January 13, 2024

Netanyahu makes it clear America works for Israel and will fight his war even if it's unpopular

He again he calls Palestine children the children of darkness

This makes genocide justifiable

— Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) January 13, 2024

He obviously has this reversed. The Jews are the sons of darkness. They literally do Satanism and they killed Jesus Christ. The genocide they are doing in Gaza hasn’t exactly helped their image either.

He’s saying that nobody in the world can stop them.

Netanyahu sends a message to the Judges at the International Court of Justice and the world today:

“Neither The Hague, the (genocide) trials nor anyone else can stop us.”

The lawyers representing Israel would call that poor client control.

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) January 13, 2024

🇮🇱🚨‼️ “No one can stop us, not The Hague, not the Axis of Evil, no one.”

– Netanyahu

— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) January 13, 2024

We will see about that.

The world is quickly waking up to these rats. Check out this exchange.

🇬🇧🇮🇱 Israel's propaganda puppet, @EylonALevy, is pressed by Channel 4 (UK) journalist, Krishnan Guru-Murphy.

"Why did Mr Netanyahu invoke such a violent biblical tale, if not, to prompt a genocide?"

— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) January 13, 2024

Here’s an interesting clip of Bibi talking to Glenn Beck years ago about the 9/11 attacks. In light of Bibi’s recent statements, it has been making the rounds on social media. He seemed to know that the 9/11 attacks would happen years in advance.

What a coincidence, Netanyahu knew the World Trade Centre buildings would be brought down 6 years before they were…

— Pelham (@Resist_05) January 13, 2024

Bibi is hated even among his own people. The protests against him are continuing.

Netanyahu Protests Spread Throughout Israel – Thousands are currently demanding his immediate resignation in Tel Aviv

— DD Geopolitics (@DD_Geopolitics) January 13, 2024


Over 80,000 Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv's Habima Square, united in their opposition to the Israeli government and Netanyahu.

Chanting "We won't stop" and demanding "elections now," protestors voiced their demands for…

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) January 13, 2024


A group of Israelis calling for the release of the captives held in Gaza, new elections and an end to Benjamin Netanyahu’s tenure as prime minister have blocked a highway in Tel Aviv, according to reports from Israeli media.

— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) January 13, 2024

There reports of mounting internal issues among the top level people inside of the Israeli government.


⚡ 🇮🇱 Channel 13:

"Great tensions in Netanyahu's cabinet"

Gallant nervously left the cabinet meeting and shouted: "Stop interrupting my work!"

Israeli Defense Minister abruptly left a war cabinet discussion due to his advisers being blocked from entering.


— Megatron (@Megatron_ron) January 13, 2024

It will be interesting to see how much longer Bibi can stay in power. He’s facing problems on a number of fronts. Things are clearly not going well for him or Israel. That’s why he’s doing everything he can to trigger a larger war that drags America into fighting for Israel. It’s really his only play at this point.


Satanyahu is only making those claims because he has the US on their side. The US is not the powerhouse it used to be and that will be the downfall of both regimes as other countries get stronger.


that 1995 video of shifty-eyed Bibi talking about Muslims “bringing down the trade towers” is super creepy. If that doesn’t wake-up The Goyim nothing will. send the video link to all.



If you’ll recall the WTC was bombed in February 1993 on orders of a blind Egyptian Sheik named Omar Abdel Rahman. The bombing failed to do any serious damage but 7 people were killed. Numerous security measures were taken to prevent any further attacks but it was generally assumed there would be future attempts anyway.


Could this be the beginning of the end for the Zionist state in Palestine? Netanyahoo is acting like a cornered rat. Of course if/when “Israel” is destroyed they will take the USA down into Hell with them, which is where both countries belong anyway. imagen


The World Trade Center attacks were originally conceived in 1991, when Israeli security officials inspected the garage of the Zim American Israeli Shipping company in the WTC, and concluded that the WTC garage would be vulnerable to a car or truck bomb.


On February 26, 1993, a van bomb exploded in a WTC garage, after an FBI supervisor called off a plan to substitute a harmless powder for the explosives. The conspirators included an FBI grass Emad Salem and a Mossad mole Ahmad Ajaj. This was a Let It Happen On Purpose (LIHOP) plot, as opposed to the 9/11 operation in its entirety which was Make It Happen On Purpose (MIHOP).

The architect of the plan to mass murder and torture thousands of innocent American civilians was Benjamin Netanyahu, who gained a B.Sc. in architecture at MIT. Given Netanyahu’s knowledge of building construction, and his access to blueprints of the WTC - either from his close friend Larry Silverstein, who built the original WTC7 in 1987, or from Lewis M. Eisenberg, a member of the Planning Board of UJA/United Jewish Federation and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Netanyahu had the skills and the information that would enable him to calculate that it was necessary to take out five contiguous floors (e.g., see NIST’s Appendix D, Interim Report on Preliminary Stability Analysis, D.4.1) in a Tower before the lack of bracing would raise the slenderness ratio of enough core columns above the critical slenderness ratio, such that Euler buckling and global collapse of the tower would ensue. (The slenderness ratio is the effective length of the column divided by its radius of gyration.)

Incidentally, it would be the same psychopathic misanthropic Benjamin Netanyahu that, more than thirty years after the 1993 WTC bombing and more than twenty years after the total destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7, would go on to preside over the genocide of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, many of them women and children, whilst proclaiming it to be an act of “self-defense”.

It was the same Benjamin Netanyahu who was in London on the morning of 7/7/05 to supervise the bombing and massacre of dozens of British civilians on the London Underground, following September 2004 when the Israeli company Verint Systems (subsidiary of Comverse Technology) obtained the contract to provide video ‘security’ for the London Underground.

It was the same Benjamin Netanyahu whose father Benzion was even regarded as an “extremist” by King David Hotel bomber Menachem Begin, and was chief aide and secretary to Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the Ukranian founder and driving force behind the Irgun terrorist group.

It was the same Benjamin Netanyahu who described Rabbi Ovadia Yosef as “one of the wisest men of this generation”, after Yosef claimed: “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. […] Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

It was the same Benjamin Netanyahu who attained the rank of Captain in Sayeret Matkal, was an alumnus of MIT, and had lived in Denver and Jerusalem, all attributes that he had in common with Daniel Lewin, an alleged “passenger” on Flight AA11, and so the chances of the two not being acquainted is vanishingly small.

It was the same Benjamin Netanyahu who in 1995 had predicted in a book that “militant Islam” would bring down the WTC, and had received a 1996 report entitled A Clean Break that amongst other things advocated “removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq”.

So already by 1991 or 1992, Netanyahu had been able to calculate that a WTC Tower could be demolished by taking out five contiguous floors. He needed a pretext for “fireproofing” ‘upgrades’; hence, the 1993 WTC bombing. All they had to do then to bring about their “transforming event” as casus belli for a series of wars for Israel was:

  • Manufacture a lethal fake “fireproofing” with embedded accelerants in Israel, possibly a combination of potassium perchlorate and powdered aluminum which, according to Jared Ledgard in The Preparatory Manual of Black Powder and Pyrotechnics, “can be stored for many years”, has a “rapid” burn rate, “very good” water resistance, no tendency to cake, and its flammability and ease of ignition are both regarded as 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. However, given that igniting powdered aluminum plus an oxidizer leads to extremely high temperatures, the perps would need corrupt officials - e.g. Rudy Giuliani or Bernard Kerik - to assist in the cover-up by banning photography and rapidly “recycling” damning evidence such as partly evaporated steel and melted ‘fireproofing’.

  • Ship it across via the Zim American Israeli Shipping company, which of course would move out of the WTC one week in advance of 9/11/01, and ‘inexplicably’ have to pay a financial penalty for breaking terms of its lease.

  • Have Israeli “moving” companies such as Urban Moving Systems, Moving On Up and Continental Nationwide Moving Services corner the market in New York and New Jersey in the 1990s so that the Cafco Blaze-Shield II fireproofing out of Isolatek in Stanhope, New Jersey, and intended for the WTC in Manhattan, could be intercepted and switched with the lethal version. Some of these moving companies employees would then go on to “document the event” as the WTC Towers were targeted and burned, whilst looking very pleased with themselves at the ‘success’ of their mission.

  • Have local Jewish New York City real estate developers launder the genuine Cafco Blaze-Shield II Sprayed Fire Resistant Material (SFRM) on their own projects, who (such as Steven C. Witkoff and Nathan Berman) could assist further in the cover-up by bribing the corrupt Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik to claim “there was no explosives in the van”, after multiple, credible reports of “tons” of explosives in an Israeli van. Kerik would also announce the “discovery” of a “hijacker’s” passport that was handed in by a mysterious stranger who immediately ran off and was never seen nor heard from again - a passport that was said to have been “soaked in jet fuel” yet survived the fireball and was found in pristine condition. If any genuine SFRM remained that could not be laundered, then maybe these Jewish real estate developers would hire Mexicans to build secret tunnels under Jew-owned buildings in New York City, in which to dump the SFRM; the tunnels could also be used for other nefarious activities such as child rape, child sacrifice or organ harvesting.

  • Have approximately 120 Jewish spies operating in the US posing as “art students” between January 2000 and September 2001 with the task of finding Arabs to frame as “terrorists”, “muscle hijackers” and “suicide pilots”. Many of these spies would be operating in the Hollywood, Florida area, which has a large Jewish population and since 1987 was a sister city of Herzliya, Israel, home of the Mossad’s Interdisciplinary Center, the origin of a September 13, 2001 article from Don Radlauer claiming that navigating the 9/11 planes would have been an “easy” task for the “hijackers”, and the likely origin of the Odigo instant message providing two hours’ advance warning of the attacks on the WTC.

  • Have one Rabbi Dov Zakheim who was the CEO of SPC International, a company whose Radar Physics Group produced “Flight Termination Systems” whereby an operator or operators could electronically hijack multiple in-flight aircraft “several hundreds of miles” away, fly them via the “Command Transmitter System”, and simultaneously steer them into targets. It was also useful to have Zakheim installed as Pentagon Comptroller early in 2001, following the announcement in March 2000 that almost $7 trillion of Pentagon bookkeeping adjustments had been required in order to balance the accounts, with $2.3 trillion of those corrections lacking receipts. With the ability to hire and fire who did the data backups, they just had to smash a plane - and possibly a missile too - into the Pentagon’s accounts section, destroying documents and outdated standalone accounting computer systems, and killing accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts, so that a proportion of the $2.3 trillion could be stolen without trace, and Zakheim could go on to boast that he’d ‘found’ much of the “missing” money - but not all of it. Zakheim was a co-signatory of the 2000 PNAC paper Rebuilding America’s Defenses, which described the ‘benefits’ of a “new Pearl Harbor”. And exactly six months after the attack, on March 11, 2002, at 09:38, the very time to the minute at which the plane impacted the Pentagon, Rabbi Zakheim was joined by approximately 500 co-religionists from 40 countries on the Pentagon lawn as they sang to commemorate the attack.

  • Have Daniel Lewin, the Sayeret Matkal Captain who “loved jumping out of planes”, had “often spent as much time weightlifting as on his schoolwork”, could bench-press more than 300 pounds, squat close to 500 pounds, and “knew how to fight with knives and take knives away from people”, as a “passenger” on Flight 11 so that he could disable the pilots and prevent them from regaining manual control after the plane had been electronically hijacked using Zakheim’s Flight Termination Systems, and then make up a really convincing story about Lewin having been killed by a weedy “Arab” (who wasn’t on the flight list) who was armed with a box cutter.

Of course, they also needed control of the media to get their narrative out. Benjamin Netanyahu’s 1976 thesis for his MSc in business management, with Zeev Zurr of Tel Aviv University as co-author, was on “Computerization in the Newspaper industry”. Netanyahu (“Nitay”) wrote: “The integration process will be facilitated by advances in three areas: data compression, data base management and distributed processing. […] Computerization may enhance the political power of newspapers by providing them with data banks and the ability to compile and disseminate pertinent information on issues or people at a very rapid rate.” He continued: “The political power of newspapers is based on the ownership structure of the media.”

Meanwhile, his friend and co-religionist Daniel Lewin had, along with his Akamai colleague Tom Leighton, developed David Karger’s “consistent hashing” algorithm for distributing content from web servers more efficiently to cope with large amounts of traffic.

The SFRM replacements were performed on floors that became vacant. Deloitte & Touche (formerly Deloitte Haskins & Sells) was badly disrupted by the February 1993 WTC bombing, and had to move elsewhere. In June of that year, Deloitte announced that they would not be returning to the WTC; they had been planning to move out even before the bombing, and it “did not make sense” to return only to move away again later. The Port Authority was left with “about seven and a half floors of prime space in Tower One” (which included the entire impact zone floors 94-98) for which they needed new tenants. This became the “last large block of contiguous space available in the complex”. Thus, as early as June 1993, the demolition planners had their required five contiguous floors 94-98 of WTC1 in which the fake “fireproofing” would be fitted. Those very floors were to be targeted by an aircraft in the ensuing false-flag terror operation, and they would “blame it on the Muslims, naturally”.

The WTC1 floors 94 to 98 had the fireproofing (SFRM) ‘upgrades’ carried out in 1996 and 1998, and subsequent NIST measurements of all the new SFRM demonstrated that the target floors 94 to 98 had new SFRM with different characteristics compared to the remaining upgraded SFRM - namely, higher density, high adhesion/cohesion, and a higher sprayed thickness.


Since the perps didn’t have the required five contiguous tenant-free floors for SFRM replacement in WTC2, it’s not so clear how that demolition was done, but it involved targeting more floors. Flight 175 which hit WTC2 had a roll angle of 38° give or take a few degrees, compared to 25° for Flight 11. The WTC1 plane’s main damage area spanned five floors and the WTC2 plane’s spanned seven floors. (To obtain the number of floors of the impact damage zone, multiply 127 feet by the sine of the roll angle, add six feet, divide by twelve and take the nearest integer.) An orange-yellow flow of tons of molten material was recorded pouring from, as NIST wrote, “the top of a window on the 80th floor of WTC 2, four windows removed from the east edge on the north face”.

For more, see here or here or here.


it was bombed by BibiCo.


Of course no one can stop them! Netanyahu takes a leak, shakes off his dick and every U.S. Congressperson fights over licking it up. It’s pathetic and disgusting how the Israeli lobby owns our government.


Biden kneeling before his masters in Israel.

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