Beto O'Rourke Says "Walls End Lives"

Originally published at: Beto O’Rourke Says “Walls End Lives” |

While President Trump held a massive rally in El Paso that drew many tens of thousands of people, Beto O’Rouke held a counter rally that drew a few hundred people. He mostly drew a bunch of unhinged feminists and Marxist retards.

He actually claimed that “walls end lives.”

His speech was the incoherent ramblings of an insane individual.

It’s crazy to me that this mouth breathing nutcase is going to potentially run for the presidency in 2020.

Even though Trump is actually at a low point in his presidency right now, the Democrats are doing some of the most ridiculous and stupid shit imaginable. Everything they’re doing is so deranged, it is causing Trump to gain support.

I mean, what does the Democrat Party stand for right now? They stand for murdering babies, open borders, crime and rearranging every aspect of society to solve the fake problem of climate change. These people are all seriously fucked in the head for supporting such things.


‘El Paso is safe because of immigrants’

So we need immigrants everywhere because safety, right?

Another unviable candidate




Trump, even while alienating his Alt-Right base because of his slavish worship of International Jewry, still has an excellent chance of being reelected because the Dems will run some awful candidate.


Beto: “we stand against walls”

I agree. You should all be stood up against walls.


A wall will save lives. If we had a wall Kate Steinle would still be alive, as would Mollie Tibbetts, Police Officer Ronil Singh, and all these other non high profile cases. RIP


Beto’s presidential bid in …Los Cabos… i mean Texas.

Texas’s white population is below 50 percent (45 percent) and wetbacks grew to 38 percent. Between 2000 and 2010, the total population grew by 20.6 percent, but wetbacks grew by 65 percent, whereas whites only grew by 4.2 percent. Texas has the fifth highest rate of teenage births in the nation and a plurality of these are to wetbacks.

In California they make up 39 percent of the population.

We are being replaced Brothers !!!


Is there anything more pathetic than a white guy who calls himself Beto to be down with the browns?


@Der_Sturmer Yes, Drimp may very well win re-election not because he is so friggin’ awesome but because the Democrats can’t get their shit together. I think they should persuade RFK Jr. to run. He is one of the children of the late Senator from NY and as far as I know doesn’t have any kind of political baggage or skeletons in the closet that would preclude him from winning. I’d even consider voting for him.



I watched an interview of him recently where he said he knew who killed his dad but he would not say who - I am guessing because he did not want the kikes to kill him like they did with so many of his family.


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What’s scary is how close he came to unseating Ted Cruz (not that I’m a fan of Cruz, I’m not, but he’s far better than this commie).

This is a direct result of changing demographics in red states such as Texas. California used to be a solid red state, it is now deep, deep blue - with no chance of flipping back to red, especially after “vote harvesting” is now allowed.


The likes of Gavin Newsom, Eric Garcetti (soy-boy commie mayor of Los Angeles), Kamala Harris, Diane Feinstein. This is what is getting elected into high offices - all anti-White, all open borders, all pro-3rd world flood.

If Texas flips, commies like Beto WILL be elected - you will be outvoted, as I am in California, and there won’t be a GD thing you can do about it.


There is an easy counter for the “illegals commit fewer crimes than Native Born” - well, even ONE crime is prevented by keeping these fuckers out.

But the Zio-narrative is patently false:

‘This study should put to rest, once and for all, the notion that illegal aliens commit crimes at a lower rate than legal residents…’

In California, where immigration enforcement has been optional for decades, illegal aliens are incarcerated at 3.3 times the rate of legal residents.

In New Jersey, illegal aliens are 5.5 times more likely than legal residents to commit crimes that land them in prison.

Read the rest here, post everywhere normies lurk. Expect your post to be heavily edited or deleted:


Indeed. Republicans got complacent while Democrats got motivated.

They might have learned a lesson:


Beto: ‘The border between San Diego and McAllen is safer than the cities of the interior’
(Cities being where the niggers are)


There are a few indicators of civil war II, 1.) Texas goes blue. 2.) the authorities come after the gunowners.


I suck at memes, but I came out from retirement for this. If you know the movie, you can see how this could be effective to a Texas crowd.

Also, El Paso is safe because the cartels want El Paso to be trouble free. It’s very good for their business and their needs when El Paso is nice and quiet.


@Vagabond No Country for Old Men references are always welcome!