Best Buy Does Mass Layoff of Geek Squad Workers

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Best Buy just fired a bunch of their Geek Squad workers. They didn’t announce specific numbers but lots of former workers said that the company had eliminated their positions. Company management already talked about how they were going to pour resources into AI etc..

CEO Corie Barry indicated during the company’s February earnings call that more layoffs were coming in 2024 as Best Buy shifts resources toward AI and other areas. #layoffs

— Engadget (@engadget) April 16, 2024

I keep hearing about how great this economy allegedly is while people keep losing their jobs in mass.

We are in a depression and fake numbers, credit card debt and bullshit Jew media reporting is being used to cover it all up.


Online porn industry will probably take a hit with all these unemployed geeks.

yes, it’s a reflection of our economy but computers are getting more reliable and cheaper so people don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars fixing a pos. It makes more sense to buy a new computer.

Just the other day I found another Dyson Ball, Animal Pro vacuum at the side of the road. People don’t understand that they have to empty the canister every now and then and remove the hair and carpet threads from the beater. They just threw away a $500.00 vacuum because they can’t do this simple, routine maintenance. So I cleaned it and freed the beater and it’s working fantastic. This is the third Dyson Ball vacuum I’ve gotten for free like this in two months.

People just abuse stuff then buy another one new.


AI will likely produce better porn too. Look for glum looking hoes joining GS geeks at the bread lines.

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