Belgium: Huge Protest Against NATO and Rising Living Costs

Originally published at: Belgium: Huge Protest Against NATO and Rising Living Costs |

As it becomes more difficult for people across Europe to buy things they need to survive, you are going to see bigger and bigger protests against this stupid war agenda that’s being waged against Russia. There was already a major protest against NATO and the rising living costs associated with the sanctions in Belgium.

Tens of thousands of people have gathered in Brussels, Belgium to protest NATO’s sanctions and resulting higher costs of living. Take a

— Steve Hanke (@steve_hanke) June 21, 2022

The more they push the war agenda against Russia, the more issues they are going to have controlling things domestically.

Things will get really interesting after Russia halts all energy to Europe. Considering that the European Union is showing no sign of ending their provocations against them, they will probably cut most if not all energy supplies to them at some point.

I just don’t see how they’ll be able to manage a West that is collapsing economically and socially while waging war against a country like Russia. They seem to be under the misconception that doing war against Russia is like doing war against some third world desert shithole. They don’t seem to get that Russia is a country with a modern military capable of doing serious damage. But they might be starting to understand the reality of things with how badly the Ukraine war has gone. Of course, these are immoral, dumb and incompetent people running things so who the hell knows.

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It’s about time! :japanese_ogre:

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