Be Careful of Niggers in France!

Originally published at: Be Careful of Niggers in France! |

Looks like niggers are on the loose in France.

This is what it is to be white in France in certain cities!
The French police do not want us to broadcast this video, so I count on you to share it as much as possible and show the reality of anti-white racism !!

— Napoléon 🇲🇫 👌🏼 (@Unetoile11) January 24, 2020

I’d like to know why French animal control officers haven’t been deployed to deal with these niggers. They are obviously out of their natural African jungle environment and are attacking actual humans. French authorities need to do something about this. These niggers might be rabid and could be carrying dangerous diseases.

With that said, Whites need to make sure they stay away from the biological nigger when they are in packs. This is when they are the most dangerous as evidenced by this video clip that was posted on Twitter.

Typically a single nigger on its own even if it is a big nigger is a coward and will back down if you challenge said nigger to a fight. But unless you are armed with a AK-47 or an AR-15 weapon, you’d be wise to stay away from packs of niggers if you as a White person are by yourself.

Consider this a public service announcement.


Around blacks never relax!


How interesting that they are openly asking that this video be suppressed. Don’t they want people to see the fruits of diversity and multiculturalism?


Well, things could be far worse, they could be speaking German:


Indeed. The culture of niggers is far superior to German culture. This can not be debated.