Bank of America Customers See Money Vanish From Their Accounts

Originally published at: Bank of America Customers See Money Vanish From Their Accounts |

Yesterday a bunch of Bank of America customers reported money missing from their accounts. It supposedly had something to do with Zelle and some sort of tech issue.

A lot of Bank of America customers are livid this morning after waking up to money missing from their accounts. Hear what @BankofAmerica says is causing the nationwide problem. @FOX5Vegas

— Feven Kay (@Feven_Kay) January 18, 2023

NEW: Bank of America customers losing thousands of dollars each, suddenly and mysteriously. B of A blames Zelle but isn’t helping.

May be a tech glitch, but if it isn’t resolved immediately and fully, this has the makings of a class action lawsuit and/or state AG investigations.

— Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) January 19, 2023

Lots of reports on Instagram, Tiktok, Reddit of problems at Bank of America. $BAC

Many customers are missing money and not getting answers.

🔊sound …🧐 #bankofamerica

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) January 18, 2023

That feeling when Zelle $$ leaves your bank account unexpectedly today 🤯

— Madison Hayley (@madsauce4) January 18, 2023

Who the hell knows what’s going on with any of this, but it just further undermines my faith in this Jewish industry.

You’d be insane to keep all of your funds and wealth in this banking system which is becoming increasingly more unreliable and fraudulent. Considering the economic situation, it wouldn’t surprise me to see these banks start doing bail-ins or engage in other types of disreputable practices.

I would just be keeping the bare minimum you need to function on a day to day basis in a bank account. That’s because one day you could check your account balance and find out that the Jews have stolen it all.


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