Baltimore Sues Kia and Hyundai For Making Easily Stolen Cars

Originally published at: Baltimore Sues Kia and Hyundai For Making Easily Stolen Cars |

Baltimore is suing Kia and Hyundai because they claim that the cars they make are too easily stolen.

NEW: The city of Baltimore has filed a federal lawsuit against car manufacturers Kia and Hyundai, joining a number of cities who say the companies created a public nuisance by making cars that can be easily stolen.

— The Baltimore Banner (@BaltimoreBanner) May 11, 2023

That’s just great. So instead of doing something about the criminal niggers stealing the cars, they want to sue the car manufacturers and force them to enhance its security. This will only make their cars more expensive and will not stop criminal niggers from attempting to steal cars.

Other cities where criminal niggers are stealing cars have filed similar lawsuits already.

A wave of cities have sued Kia and Hyundai, blaming the auto companies for the surge of joyriders stealing their cars and damaging property

— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) April 15, 2023

Everything about this country is backwards. It is also retarded, evil and stupid. This is just another example proving it.

If we had a sane country we would be addressing the problem of criminal niggers instead of harassing Asian automobile manufacturers for not making their cars nigger proof.


Anyone whose reasoning is the company is to blame b/c the “cars are too easy to steal” - or that guns cause crime - deserves to live and get shot in a corrupt, violent, shit hole city like Baltimore.

The problem is never the niggers causing all the crime.


how to steal a cheap Kia or Hyundai


If this lawsuit doesn’t get laughed out of court than you know this country can’t be saved.

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