Asian Countries Developing SWIFT Alternative

Originally published at: Asian Countries Developing SWIFT Alternative |

Asian countries including Iran, India and others are developing an alternative to the SWIFT system.

Iran has announced the forthcoming launch of a new payment system that circumvents SWIFT in financial transactions


— RT (@RT_com) June 1, 2023

Members of the Asian Clearing Union (ACU) a regional banking bloc that includes 🇮🇳 #India, 🇮🇷 #Iran and other Asian nations, have decided to launch a new cross-border financial messaging system in June, as an alternative to the Western #SWIFT system, PressTV has reported.

— Resonant News🌍 (@Resonant_News) June 1, 2023

The world is continuing to make moves away from the ZOG-controlled West. This was the inevitable result of them starting a war against Russia and foolishly pushing them out of all these financial systems. Other countries realized that if they would dare do it to a major power like Russia, they wouldn’t hesitate to do the same thing to them. So now, parallel infrastructure is being built.

The world continues to rapidly move away from the US Dollar and all the systems connected to it. This process will take a bit of time, but it is underway and there is no reason to believe that it is going to slow down.


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