AP Whines About People Exposing Rigged 2020 US Election

Originally published at: AP Whines About People Exposing Rigged 2020 US Election | Infostormer.com

The Associated Press published an article whining about people on Twitter exposing how the 2020 US election was rigged and a total fraud. They are claiming that the 2020 election was totally legitimate without providing any evidence that it was totally legitimate. They further whined about how Twitter was not automatically pushing their lie about the election being legitimate.

As the nation prepares for the 2024 elections, false claims that the 2020 presidential election was "rigged" continue to thrive on Twitter without being corrected, an analysis shows. https://t.co/FjsRsego3t

— The Associated Press (@AP) May 18, 2023

Their article has been universally trashed.

Here are some responses to it.

Either back up your claims @AP with actual source data or retract your story

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 19, 2023

.@AP, which is a far-left advocacy group that sometimes engage in journalism, wants @Twitter to censor Americans who dare to exercise their First Amendment rights to criticize Joe Biden's election.

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) May 19, 2023

Stopping vote counting in the middle of the night of exclusively swing states only, will never not be suspicious to me. I still have yet to hear a logical explanation for it. This was unprecedented.

— Steven Steele (@MrStevenSteele) May 20, 2023


— Gain of Fauci (@DschlopesIsBack) May 19, 2023

81 million votes without leaving a basement during the campaign doesn't seem false to you?

— Great Stockpix (Day Trader) (@Greatstockpix) May 18, 2023

It's a false claim that the 2020 presidential election was rigged.
It was sabotaged and rigged.

— Susie (@SoCalSister22) May 18, 2023

It. Was. Rigged.

— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) May 19, 2023

Which “false claim”:

– Hunter’s laptop was real?
– The Hunter laptop story was censored?
– Mark Zuckerberg spent a half-billion on election infrastructure?
– Several judges overruled exiting States’ voting laws?
– Ballot harvesting was massively expanded?

Or something else?

— IT Guy (@ITGuy1959) May 19, 2023

There is overwhelming evidence that substantial election interference occurred. Just going to leave that out?

— Rob Anthony (@RobTheConqueror) May 19, 2023

Lemme guess, you have 51 Former intelligence agents that have written a letter to back up your assertion 🙄🤡

— NautiGirl 🇺🇸🏴‍☠️🍊 ollllllo (@ladiebldr) May 19, 2023

Just going to drop this right here for those in the back rows pic.twitter.com/dSUbfmXem9

— Andrew Mullican (@MullicanDesigns) May 19, 2023

Anybody who believes that the 2020 election was legitimate is just a retard or a paid liar. The AP gets paid to lie and they no doubt have a significant number of retards working for them also. The people on their staff who do actual real journalism is minimal.

A senile old man who mostly campaigned out of his basement and couldn’t fill a high school gymnasium when he did make public appearances did not get 81 million legitimate votes. It is ridiculous to believe that he did.


oh, come on… the “analysis” never lies. There’s no way that you can out analyze the analyzers.

[quote=“kittenstormer, post:1, topic:18325”]
Stopping vote counting in the middle of the night of exclusively swing states only, will never not be suspicious to me. I still have yet to hear a logical explanation for it. This was unprecedented.

it was a water main break which just coincidentally happened at all of the swing-state voter precincts simultaneously. IT’S BEEN ANALYZED BY EXPERTS.



it was the greatest political landslide of human history. This is why OBidenCo hate us so because they know that we hate them.


Yet they were ALL THE FUCK over the election being stolen in 2016 with “Russian Collusion” - a proven hoax, after years of investigation and millions upon millions of dollars wasted.

Will anyone be held responsible? Will there be any retractions, apologies, etc., from the likes of the AP



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