Anthony Fauci Attacks Florida's Decision to Reopen the State

Originally published at: Anthony Fauci Attacks Florida’s Decision to Reopen the State |

About a week ago, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis announced a full reopening of the state. He also ordered a ban on cities fining people for not wearing masks.

Shortly after he announced this, the virus hoaxer Anthony Fauci was all over television trashing the decision.

“That is very concerning to me.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci says now the time is to double down, not ease restrictions, in regards to Florida’s decision to open up bars and restaurants.

— Good Morning America (@GMA) September 28, 2020

Fauci is basically claiming that more lunatic restrictions have to be imposed even though the number of people hospitalized due to the coronavirus is minimal.

They’re just going to keep bringing this fraud out on television to launch political attacks against Republican governors who move ahead with reopening plans.

It’s going to be interesting to see what this fool has to say now that Donald Trump and nearly the entire White House staff has caught the coronavirus and will all survive it. Is he still going to claim that we have to hide in our homes wearing masks and googles after all these people live through catching this allegedly very deadly virus? Seriously, what is this virus hoaxing stooge going to say next after this comes to fruition?

Assuming Trump wins re-election, he needs to fire Fauci and all of these other morons that promoted this hoax. All of them should be held accountable for high crimes due to the damage this hoax has done to the country.

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Dude has been fomenting fear and lies for years. To think POTUS ever considered his advice as truthful and beneficial raises mucho warning flags.

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