Anonymous Insider Pens Anti-Trump Op-Ed for the New York Times

Originally published at: Anonymous Insider Pens Anti-Trump Op-Ed for the New York Times |

The New York Times published an anti-Trump op-ed allegedly from someone inside the Trump administration. Trump immediately responded to the news both at a public event and on Twitter.

Trump suggested that the so-called “Senior Administration Official” might be made up by the New York Times. He also said that if this person does exist, that they should be turned over to the government.

It is honestly hard to say which it is. But if we assume that this is a real person who wrote this, they’re an egotistical coward. Read the op-ed for yourself and you’ll see what I mean.

This person actually thinks they’re saving democracy by working to constrain Trump. In reality, this person is subverting democracy because Trump was elected by a vote of the people. You can’t support democracy by undermining someone you work for who was elected.

The person also bitches about Trump not being a “conservative” which is insane because so-called “conservatives” haven’t conserved anything. Trump has been the most effective “conservative” of my lifetime by far.

They even talk about how great John McCain was, how great so-called “free trade” policies have been and how Russia is a country filled with bad, evil people like Vladimir Putin.

If this individual really does believe all these things, they should at least have the courtesy to resign and express their dissatisfaction publicly. Of course as Trump suggested, this person might not even exist. So who the hell knows what’s really going on here.

The fact that you had Bob Woodward’s goofy anti-Trump book come out and this op-ed hit within a very short period of time reeks of a coordinated conspiracy against Trump. These people who are against Trump are against America. They should be taken away to concentration camps.

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Why even acknowledge this stuff?


Not sure what you mean. It’s absolutely necessary for us to respond to narratives being pushed in the Jew news media and this has been one of the most talked about stories of the day.


So far Trump hasn’t accomplished very much, other than fighting with establishment journalists and politicians. Is that all he plans on doing for the rest of his time in office?


I just saw a Tucker clip where he claims he and his staff suspects who the faggot is, and says they’ve already contacted the Trump admin with the tip.


Hopefully not but even if that’s all he does, he will still be the most successful president of my lifetime.


It’s obvious Trump is up against all odds. Trust me, when he’s gone and we have a transgender Nigger (((sheboon))) as our next President, we are all going to long for Trump.


Trump should be setting the agenda but he lets the kikes control the message- he is always playing defense, fighting rear-guard actions. He should read Sun-Tzu or Machiavelli.


That Trump is mercurial and sczhitzy or mentally deranged is a defamatory lie. He should really sue them for it - and about a million other things. His performance under CONSTANT pressure and Atifa-style NGO-induced screaming hate is super human. (I mean look at Alex Jones - since the election his whole personality has changed - now he can’t stop lying without taking some time off to collect his thoughts and get rested - I think it’s a CIA mind-control opp.) The economic improvements are due to HIS (Trump’s) special knowledge of the field, which he possesses maybe more than any other president who ever lived. He has been totally clear and consistent despite all the pressure and opprobrium, with them so fucking certain he’s wrong, right in the Whites House sometimes. He has an extreme amount of equanimity and cool despite his NY Jewy in-yer-face personality. He doesn’t get mad and maybe that’s actually a problem, because some of these fucking people are asking for a bloodbath - figuratively, of course. He’s not a vitriolic personality though but instead rather too politely states his case - and that’s something these screaming assholes aree not capable of understanding.

I’m personally looking forward to having Kamala Harris and Corey Booker in the Dark House. Because that’s when the long-delayed race war finally starts.
