Angry Trannies and Marxists Rage at Tennessee's State Government

Originally published at: Angry Trannies and Marxists Rage at Tennessee’s State Government |

A group of angry trannies and their Marxist supporters stormed the Tennessee state government yesterday. From what I gather, they were mad at the government passing a law that makes it harder to turn children into trannies while also demanding gun bans. This happened after a tranny went to a Christian school and killed a bunch of kids.

We got a damn #transurrection at the Tennessee Capitol 🤣

— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) March 30, 2023

Footage of leftist and transgender insurrectionists storming the Tennessee Capitol building today.

Whomever the organizer of this protest is did a huge disservice for their cause.

Two days after a transgender took the lives of 6 people, including 3 children, at a christian…

— dana (@dana916) March 30, 2023

haha! and they want to take or guns…

Brainwashed gun-grabbing communists assault police officers after breaching the Tennessee State Capitol just days after a Transgender killed 6 Christians

— Mariana (@lonestarherd) March 30, 2023

As many of you know, I am a big supporter of male to female trannies. I support their right to ruin women’s sports as well as their right to jack off in women’s locker rooms with their erect feminine penis.

With that said, I do not understand why these trannies and Marxists are protesting like this. Especially after the tranny mass shooting incident. It gives right-wing Nazi people like your average Donald Trump supporter ammunition to paint trannies and Marxists as domestic terrorists. They should not be doing this when most of the United States government and various state governments are fully supportive of trannies and gun control.

I mean, you got people like this guy saying these trannies are retards. Talk about a very mean spirited person.

🎶This is what mental retardation looks like🎶🇺🇲🏳️‍⚧️ ⚡️ Footage of leftist and transgender insurrectionists storming the Tennessee Capitol building Today.

— 🇺🇸🍊formerly @frankybean🍊🇺🇸 (@JohnCounts) March 30, 2023

This is not a good look for the cause of trannykind. It is going to make people think that trannies and their Marxist allies are insane demons who should be put to death.


Well, after all Joe Biden just said: “Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul."

“[Transgender] Day of Visibility celebrates the joy, strength, and absolute courage of some of the bravest people I know — people who have too often had to put their jobs, relationships, and lives on the line just to be their true selves, Today, we show millions of transgender and nonbinary Americans that we see them, they belong, and they should be treated with dignity and respect.”

Got that?

This is after he called “White Supremacists,” i.e., ALL Whites - the “greatest threat to our democracy!”

Biden says White supremacists are the greatest domestic terror threat in America

Trannies are openly calling for the murder of Christians:

And the media and government encourage it.

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