Anglin is Right Again About Trumpstein

This is what I said: If Trumpstein is allowed to be president he’s going to put boots on the ground in Israel and restart the draft. There’s no way that Trump is going to allow Israel to lose the war at least not without getting a bunch of dumbass American war-boys killed in the process.

I recently told a hipster working at Walmart to fill out the conscientious objector form NOW before they start the draft to force him to die for Jews. He now hates me. I hope that he gets drafted.

But Andrew also knows that Trump is definitely going all-in with Israel and actually I hope he does because this is what is needed to galvanize the Muslims to holocaust the parasites once and for all.

But frankly, bro: he wouldn’t be doing mass deportations or banning trannies. He might talk about it. But he wouldn’t do anything. The only thing of any material substance that Trump would do in a second term is fight wars for Israel.


Many people get very angry when confronted with the truth.


Change “many” to “all”. Humans are a shit-stain on Earth.

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