Amy Barrett Throws Out Challenge to Vaxx Mandate

Originally published at: Amy Barrett Throws Out Challenge to Vaxx Mandate |

All of Donald Trump’s Supreme Court picks have been major disappointments. The court like the rest of the government is corrupt and beyond redemption. We knew this was the case when they refused to rule on the 2020 election fraud. Now we are seeing bullshit like this.

JUST IN – U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett refuses to block Indiana University’s vaccine mandate for students. She acted alone and gave no explanation.

— 🚨 (@disclosetv) August 12, 2021

Barrett was supposed to be a “conservative” justice. What is “conservative” about allowing a school to force its students to take an experimental shot that we know has killed people?

The entire system is doomed. Do what you can to remove yourself from it, otherwise you will be destroyed by it.


Spot on. When I saw this headline I was excited because I thought that “Throws Out Challenge” meant something like ‘Throws Down Gauntlet’. What a disappointment. Of course, Indiana is Pence’s state.


You gotta laugh… Trump thought he was getting a true conservative with this appointment… he just thickened the swamp!!

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I agree - but I’m sure ZOG has blackmail material on her and Kavanaugh - or has outright threatened them if they don’t vote correctly.

Look what happened to Judge Roberts.

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I would seriously question the judgement of anyone foolish enough to adopt negroid children.

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