Americans are Really Fat and Disgusting

If I knew what I was doing I would, I found a suitable evil avatar now how to send it to you. Oh and there is a little more than just point and click.

I can’t actually make an avatar for you, but I would be happy to talk you through the process so that you can make one yourself. But you will have to go into the “preferences” section of your user profile. Only you can do that.

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The problem is the industrial technology that makes many people to become sedentary. It won’t change if we remain in the society’s direction or little changes such as soda tax, etc
 Yes, all of you above pointed out many problems but overall, either a current civilization as we know destroyed or facism- to a lesser extent will change that.

Click your avi at the top right’


In the pull-down menu, click the settings gear


Go to Preferences


Click on the pencil icon next to your current gay nigger avi


Upload the image you feel represents you and hopefully has a bit of what the frog eaters call Ă©lan.


Congratulations, if you followed these steps, you are no longer a gay nigger.


OK boomer, post the pic you want for an avi in a reply to me, and I will fix it for you.

Note to everyone else, I am not going to make a habit of this.

You should see an ER in one of the 3 large CAN cities, on second thought
 don’t. Too scary what tolerance has done up here.

Bring back fat shaming.


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Agreed. Make a decision,
either you’re American or not!!! Fuck your mehican-american, african-american, muzzie-american, blah, blah.

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If they’re not White, they’re not American.


Well I now have a phone full of kitten and Viking pictures downloaded, and when I try to use them as an avatar they won’t work. Next there is no pencil by that gay nig avatar anymore. Bye

boomer problems


True, America was made by whites for whites.