Alison Chabloz found guilty of sending "grossly offensive" material

In another sorry day for justice in the Jewnighted Kikedom, singer/songwriter Alison Chabloz was found guilty of “improper use of a public electronic communications network” by causing “grossly offensive, indecent or obscene” material to be sent, after videos of her performances were posted on JewTube.

There were various facts that District Judge John Zani simply ignored:

-That any White-hating, money-grubbing, power-hungry Jewish supremacist who chose to be “offended” must have also taken the decision to cause the material to be sent to themselves, in order that they could be “offended”.
-That no one with more than two brain cells to rub together could possibly believe Irene Zisblatt’s story about swallowing diamonds, then shitting them out and washing off with some spare soup or water from her Auschwitz rations, only to repeat the same feat dozens of times for months on end during her entire stay at the work camp.
-That the “gas chamber” legend is only believable by retards or ignoramuses with a crippled epistemology.
-That the trait of “grossly offensive” is necessarily subjective.
-That any White person who said they were grossly offended by Jews’ malicious blood libel against 1940s Germans, or by Jew activists displaying an Israeli flag in Marylebone Street, London, the week after Israeli forces’ massacre of at least 59 Palestinians and injuring of at least 2,771, etc., could not expect to see Jews prosecuted for causing offense.

Zani announced his verdict on Friday morning. He warned that “the custody threshold may well have been passed.” However, sentencing was deferred, and the court reconvened in the afternoon, when the judge announced that sentencing would be on Thursday, June 14.

The Jews Gideon Falter and Stephen Silverman from the grotesquely misnamed Campaign Against “Antisemitism” were in court to gloat over the ruling. CAA is the Jewish pressure group that brought the private prosecution, which resulted in the Crown Prosecution Service taking over proceedings after having originally decided not to prosecute.

As usual, Chabloz supporters greatly outnumbered the Zionist activists who were demonstrating outside court. However, scuffles broke out amidst their cries of “Nazi scum!” as we left the court for a break at lunchtime. In the photos, it can be seen that the ugly, psychopathic-looking Zionist activist tried to shove the Chabloz supporter into the road. Police quickly arrived, and maintained a presence until we returned and then left the court in the early afternoon.




On a more positive note, nationalist Richard Edmonds showed us a letter from Jez Turner who was jailed last week for “incitement to racial hatred”, after complaining that the Jews have too much power. Jez is in good spirits and wrote that the court and prison staff were very impressed by the number of supporters and the applause as he waved to the public gallery after sentencing. He met someone whose father knew nationalist leader John Tyndall, and another person whom he knew from outside, and both have been helpful.


Mustn’t have anyone telling the truth, especially in such a clever and catchy manner.


That song is bloody brilliant, but she was never going to get away with that in the jewK now that people are being sent to the gulag for ‘wrongthink’. Hopefully, the more people that are prosecuted for things like this, the more attention it gets and the more people become red-pilled to the JQ.


Justice in the UK is a farce, the judiciary is filled with foreign scum without any understanding of common law and the Magna Carta which is the foundation of English law. If these Jews don’t want to be offended they should leave the countries they find so offensive. Palestine is only a short plane ride away.