Air Travel Becoming a Luxury for Many

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We are now seeing articles talking about how air travel is becoming a luxury for many.

Fewer flights and higher fares make air travel a luxury for many via @AngusWhitley1

— Zoe Schneeweiss (@ZSchneeweiss) December 21, 2022

This is not a shock considering the West’s entire economy is collapsing after Western countries closed their economies over a fake virus and then proceeded to wage a war against Russia in the name of gay anal sex and Satan. Many people barely have enough money for proper food and shelter.

This is of course one of the intended consequences of this lunatic Great Reset agenda. The Jewish power elite and their allies were never enthusiastic about people being able to freely travel with the speed that air travel allows. They especially did not like how people were freely traveling back and forth between countries, exchanging ideas and getting different perspectives on things. The fewer the people who have this ability the better it is for them, so I wouldn’t expect this situation to get better any time soon.


Flights will continue for “refugees” from Sub-Sahara Africa straight into the U.S. and onto the Welfare System.

Those flights will not be curtailed, no matter the cost.


If I can’t drive to my destination I don’t go. I refuse to be a subject of the criminal TSA and let them illegally search and pat me down.


Right on, man! Since 9/11 I have been in complete bewilderment why people continued to fly and put up with that crap. Then the last two years the airlines have been among the biggest pushers of the virus hoax and people continued to fly. It’s no different than collaborating with the enemy.


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