Affirmative Action NIGGER PostChimp Pepper Sprays Good Dog

everyone is asking, “how could this happen” . i’ll tell you… SHE’S A SUB-HUMAN, FAT NIGGER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POSTAL EMPLOYEE, that’s how. Jigaboos have a devolved monkey brain and so lack the ability to distinguish right from wrong. nor do they have the civilized traits of compassion and empathy. this NIGGER casually pepper-sprays a nice dog, being good, behind a fence IN HIS OWN YARD for no reason what so ever.


Put her in a cage with a banana then set it on fire.


Infuriating to think that a dog is not even safe when in his own fenced in yard. It sounds like the nog is going to get away with this, too.


Them monkeys has hardwired fear of dogs no matter what the reason why. One time I observed a nigger walking down a street, he just stared at the dog in the fenced yard whose not barking at him with doubts. And 2nd time , it’s not related to dogs however, I was shearing a hedge, a monkey boy just cried in fear just seeing the scissor like jaws of the hedge trimmer in action lol. Mind that, I was using commercial gas powered one. It was just looking threatening with it’s 32" blades and it’s 70 debicel droning of the 24 cc engine. I had my legs cut by that beast twice in separate occasion and God it leaves a serious wound that requires several stitches. So anyways, his mother demand me to turn it off even I was like 25 feet away lol. Of course I had to turn it off. I do not want to involve or deal with the nigger problem or the police. Fuck them and the cops… I think it just because I’m white and holding a potential weapon to hack him up in the name of white supremacy