"A Person With a Capacity for Pregnancy"

Originally published at: “A Person With a Capacity for Pregnancy” | Infostormer.com

America is an insane asylum and the inmates have taken over the asylum.

Just look at this exchange that took place during a Congressional hearing. Some dumbass black cunt who is a professor somewhere used the term “person with a capacity for pregnancy.” She further added that people like Josh Hawley who say that men can’t get pregnant are transphobic.

Hawley: Why are you using the term "person with a capacity for pregnancy" instead of "woman?"

Bridges: "Your line of questioning is transphobic and opens trans people to violence."

Hawley: "You're saying I'm opening up people to violence by saying women can have pregnancies?" pic.twitter.com/Yi46NlQCr0

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 12, 2022

“I wanna recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic, and it opens up trans people to violence.”

— Law professor Khiara Bridges, after explaining to Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) that more than just women are capable of giving birth pic.twitter.com/mpUHFG9wMp

— The Recount (@therecount) July 12, 2022

I honestly can’t handle this any longer.

When can we break out the woodchippers and start putting these insane people in them?


We used to call them women, but not that is hurtful or something?
Lets call them a slut with a gaping stinking rotten gash?

What will appease these cunts and why are we even trying? Why are we brought down to their sorry level? Look at this bitch her eyes bugging out? I feel sorry for any man that “loves” her!

And you wonder why men don’t like you? Fack look at your own picture!

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Anyone who has to say “A Person With a Capacity for Pregnancy”, instead of woman, you know has already lost and proved their cowardice to these weak front holes.

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