965,000 Jobless Claims Filed Last Week

Originally published at: 965,000 Jobless Claims Filed Last Week | Infostormer.com

The economy continues to be a disaster. We had another 965,000 jobless claims filed last week.


Jobless claims in the first full week of January spiked to a seasonally adjusted 965,000, a 23 percent increase from the previous week, and the highest weekly amount since August.

The increase in jobless claims follows a December jobs report that showed the economy shedding jobs, putting the recovery of the labor market in reverse.

There’s been over 700,000 jobless claims every week since the end of March 2020 when this coronavirus hysteria started. Prior to that, the highest jobless claim figure reported was in the 600,000 range.

The people talking about an economic recovery because of the stock market are total frauds and shills. The stock market is totally fake due to unlimited money printing by the Federal Reserve. It is simply not a reflection of the real economy and should not be used as an economic indicator. The real economy is in horrible shape and it isn’t coming back anytime soon.

This is a very bad situation, but I guess creepy Joe wants to give everybody $1,400 so maybe that will fix it lol.


Biden will be exactly like Obama - who blamed Bush for his shitty economy, even after he’d been in office for eight years.

Biden will blame Trump as the economy tanks further - and the media will print and champion this - they will cover for Dementia Joe just as they did for Obama.

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Some of the Dems who championed these lockdowns are now saying they have to start opening things up. They probably realize that they can’t continue this façade if the bad orange man is gone. But you are right, in that they will still try to blame Trump for things, it will just be harder for them to do it.


Lori Lightfoot, the degenerate black troll that is charge of Chicago has said as much - Cuomo too in New York. I expect “my” idiot governor, Newsom to follow suit.

I am still firmly convinced that this entire virus hoax was implemented for one reason only: To Get Trump Out of Office.

And it worked.

They have quite the mess to deal with as a result of what they’ve done. I truly believe that these people are going to live to regret the hell they’ve created.

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