853,000 Jobless Claims Filed Last Week

Originally published at: 853,000 Jobless Claims Filed Last Week | Infostormer.com

Since all these lockdowns relating to the coronavirus hoax began last March, we’ve seen at least 700,000 jobless claims each and every week.

This past week saw 853,000 jobless claims.

Breaking: Worker filings for jobless‌ ‌claims‌ ‌rose‌ sharply to 853,000‌ ‌last‌ ‌week, holding at a high level nearly nine months into the pandemic https://t.co/JqgHoqDStk

— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) December 10, 2020

None of this economic devastation is even being talked about. Instead, all we hear about is how great the stock market is doing and that’s only because it is being artificially propped up by the Federal Reserve creating trillions of digits on computers.

I believe that real unemployment is somewhere between 30 percent and 50 percent right now. The official numbers are total bullshit and can’t be believed when you have this amount of jobless claims coming in week after week.

And as bad as 2020 was, we have yet to see the main fallout from all of this. 2021 is going to be a very bad year so make sure you are prepared. Things are going to be bad for a very long time.

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