8-Year-Old Boy Injured by Gunshot While Looking at Christmas Lights with

that scumbag needs to be boiled to death.


Stupid White People are going to a Nigger Neighborhood to do Christian deeds, delivering food to the savages. They didn’t need to worry because they have Jesus by their side. Jesus will keep the savage Niggers from killing them. It works like a charm. It works in South Africa. It works in Detroit and in NY City . There’s no reason to do anything else but trust in Jesus. Hallelujah! JESUS IS LORD! ooops

As the family vehicle reversed to get a better view of the decorations, Zachariah’s Aunt Elias Conez recounts, the mother noticed something amiss and attempted to leave the area. It was then that gunfire erupted, with an estimated 15 to 30 rounds being fired at the car.

The Aunt noticed something amiss. lol… yeah like a gang banging NIGGER getting in position to murder them because they’re White. geesh…

and here’s another classic statement from the dumbass White Xtian cucks.

My 8 year old was shot in the head because we were looking at Christmas lights and now he is in ICU.

NO, your 8yo was shot because you are a DUMB CUNT who thinks that all people are the same and that if you just show some Christian love, the Niggers won’t murder you because you’re White…

The suspect, Jullian Phillips, was apprehended by the police, having no previous connection to the victims. He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

oh what a shocker… The savage beast didn’t know his victims and wanted to murder them because “da bee in heas hood”… Hell, the Nigger even shoots other Niggers that he doesn’t recognize. This is normal Nigger drug-gang behavior, they “defend” their drug-turf from other Niggers but when Whites are dumb enough to show their faces that’s just icing on the cake.


You’re not wrong… reminds me of that billionaire blonde that was pulled off the street at 2am while jogging through a joggers city… emds up raped and dead,


…attempted to leave the area. It was then that gunfire erupted, with an estimated 15 to 30 rounds being fired at the car.

They were targeted b/c they are White. Imagine the national news if it were the reverse: “Black family enjoying Christmas Lights while delivering food targeted and shot by White Suprematists.”

It would be national news for weeks on end with every politician from every aspect of the political spectrum loudly condemning this on every news channel 24/7, demanding an inquiry, denouncing White Supremacy over and over again - and every White within 50 miles rousted out by the FBI.

In a better era, Whites would have marched in and burned that fucking area to the ground.

As it is, I never saw this story on the West Coast and you can be sure no Hate Crimes charges will be filed.

And this government expects us Whites to join its military?


Look what happens when a black attacks Jews…