78 Percent Say Europe Needs Tighter Border Controls

Originally published at: 78 Percent Say Europe Needs Tighter Border Controls | Infostormer.com

It looks like most Europeans have had enough of cultural enrichment and vibrant diversity.


A massive poll covering all 28 European Union (EU) states has revealed an overwhelming concern over illegal immigration with more than three-quarters of EU citizens saying that Europe’s external borders should be better protected.

The sweeping February survey conducted by the Századvég Foundation’s Project 28 sampled one thousand adult citizens from each of the 28 EU countries, and found a remarkable consistency of thought regarding the dangers of unchecked immigration.

What is “most striking” about the survey, wrote the Spectator’s Douglas Murray on March 24, is that “there is such extraordinary unanimity around the question of immigration.”

“While numerous political divides exist within each of the 28 member states, and considerable differences exist between them, only on the matters of migration, borders and security can this not be said,” he observed.

The poll has revealed, in fact, that while 78 percent of all Europeans believe that illegal immigration into their countries is a problem, more citizens in every single European country say that it is a “serious problem” than say it is not a problem or not a very serious problem.

Europeans also expressed anxiety over the prospect of Africans migrants arriving en masse into Europe over the next decade, with 68 percent of those surveyed saying they either “strongly fear” or “moderately fear” such a scenario.

What's good is that Europeans are afraid of what Europe will look like if Africans continue to flood into their lands. And they are right to be scared of this. Africa is a shithole continent because of the biological nigger. Europe will be a shithole continent if large numbers of these biological niggers continue their endless migration.

The only solution is to ban non-Whites from the continent. If this does not happen we will eventually have a race war scenario on our hands. You can’t mix populations like this and expect a good outcome.

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