72,000 Anchor Babies Shit Out in America Every Year

Originally published at: 72,000 Anchor Babies Shit Out in America Every Year | Infostormer.com

Because of this insane concept of birthright citizenship, we have large numbers of third world hordes coming into America who shit out anchor babies.


About 72,000 United States-born children delivered every year to foreign tourists, foreign visa workers, and foreign students are rewarded birthright American citizenship, a new study reveals.

Research by the Center for Immigration Studies finds that every year, 39,000 anchor babies are born to foreign students and foreign visa workers, as well as 33,000 anchor babies born to foreign tourists every year.

This indicates that about 72,000 anchor babies are born to foreigners who are legally temporarily in the U.S. These U.S.-born children — in addition to the 300,000 anchor babies born to illegal aliens every year — are immediately rewarded American citizenship simply because their foreign parents delivered them in the parameters of the nation’s borders.

To date, the U.S. Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled that the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens must be granted automatic American citizenship, and a number of legal scholars dispute the idea.

President Trump said he would issue an executive order to deal with this birthright citizenship bullshit but he has not done this yet.

Instead, he’s too busy issuing executive orders that make it more difficult for people to hurt the feelings of Jews.