7-Year-Old Called "Hitler" For Raising Money to Fund Border Wall

Originally published at: 7-Year-Old Called “Hitler” For Raising Money to Fund Border Wall | Infostormer.com

A 7-year-old kid saw Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech and wanted to help him raise funds to build the border wall. He setup a stand to sell hot chocolate complete with a sign stating that the proceeds would go towards wall construction.

He’s raised over $8,000 and has been called “Hitler” for his efforts.

The Hill:

A Texas mother says her 7-year-old son was recently called “little Hitler” while selling hot chocolate to raise money for President Trump’s border wall.

“He was called a little Hitler yesterday,” Jennifer Stevens told a local NBC affiliate in a story published Monday. “A guy pointed at him in his car and then he said that we didn’t like brown people. I don’t understand that at all.”

Stevens said her son, Benton, began selling hot chocolate to help fund the wall after watching Trump’s State of the Union address earlier this month.

“He wanted to know about the wall so we explained what it was about and he was like, ‘I want to raise money for the wall,’ ” she told the local station.

Stevens said some people have said her son is “brainwashed.”

“People think he’s brainwashed,” Stevens said. “Well, of course he supports Trump, because we do, and he hears how we talk and this and that. Call that brainwashing, but I call it parenting, because we instill our values in him.”

It’s pretty funny to see people brainwashed by Jews calling this patriotic child “Hitler” and “brainwashed.” The kid should consider getting called “Hitler” a badge of honor.

I think one of the things that gets lost with Trump’s presidency is the cultural impact he’s had on the younger generation. Obviously Trump has had a profound impact on this 7-year-old. And regardless of what Trump does or does not accomplish, we are definitely in a better place with him in office than we would be if Hillary Clinton had won.



Don’t expect Trump to have this little kid at his rallies because he’s white and Trump’s only panders to niggers, Jews and Hispanics.


Trump’s presidency has stirred up a hornet’s nest of anger against White people. If Trump came to the defense of Whites that would be one thing. But he’s allowing them to be physically attacked and does nothing about it.


There has been more reports of MAGA hat wearer’s getting assaulted or harassed than of white people attacking or insulting POCs. The Trump presidency has inspired a new generation of Nationalist children whether black or white maybe they can forge together with Gen Z.


At this point, Trump is basically a jew, even if he isn’t jewish by religion he is jewish in pretty much every other way, Sickening to see that agent of ZOG son in law watching his every move like his handler.


Should take being called Hitler as a compliment.


I can tell you first hand, Gen Z is more woke to the JQ than most people realize…Trust me…


I wish I got called Hitler.


Trump’s wife is not a Germanic.
His daughter even married a non-white
Rothschild’s daughter told me the future US president in 2013. In the United States, the Knights Templar said that the man was a very strange person. They refer to his appearance.
As one of my Aryan friends said, if the United States has never seen an American Irish organization, the Jews cannot ethically kidnap and exploit and deceive all American whites.
European whites are not even a united group and tribe. American whites have turned from nationalities into goods and toys for Jewish people to enjoy and entertain. This is really thanks to the conspiracy and implementation of American Irish organizations and Freemasons.
Trump is an unfortunate guy, and I hope his heart can keep his secrets and carry out his own secret plans. The Knights Templar have prepared the Jewish “God” actor who will be on the stage. They want Trump to do everything he doesn’t want to do. I remember that there was an hourglass (time) in the Knights Templar. They also arranged time and planned things for killing Trump ahead of time.
Marriage and non-German people not only ruined their lives, but the meaning is equivalent to chronic suicide self-extinction. As the Germanic people of the Rhine tribe, the soul of the Aryans flows through the blood, but the result is to marry the inferior non-Germans. This is the biggest idiot and idiot. Like all my Aryan brothers

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All my Aryan friends have discovered the seriousness of this problem.
They recognize through Trump’s appearance that he may be related to them because the true pure Germanic descendants, including the Swedes, are highly similar to the Aryans.
The most deadly mistake is that he married a non-German. The most frightening thing is that his son-in-law is not a Germanic. Think about how terrible the consequences are. A group of Jews gathered around him, and a group of secret Jewish thugs lurked in the darkness of his surroundings.
The only person who can believe, the one who can keep the secret is only the family, and then have no choice. But the real enemy is at home. Including his daughter does not really support Trump, she has been brainwashed and controlled long ago. Just like a real bomb you put on the family table. No one can trust anyone except himself. Can’t believe anyone. All the Aryans I know have realized that he has made every step of his path more and more difficult to cross and narrow.
German President Adolf’s brain is much smarter than Trump. This is a point that every Aryan who I know recognizes. Trump told me that his most regrettable is that German-Americans are not strong enough and united. I have never had a predecessor of my own nationality or a successful elder to train him as a student. If such a person can teach him to learn to be careful and observe and be cautious, then I will never fall into a trough like today.
Another German-American, his age is younger than Trump. He is a genius. His success depends on himself. His marital relationship is still very happy. He is a super cautious and low-key person, many people have not heard of his name. To my surprise, he confided to his inner sadness to me. His answer is very similar to Trump. Then I realized that this genius was also controlled by the Masonics and lost his freedom.

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you know that it’s the liberals who are haters when they attack a 7yo boy… can someone find this good kid’s info so that we can show our support and give him some TRUTHFUL WWII history?


Thank you, excellent good idea. A children’s book club should be established.
He should not continue to be brainwashed by the school. (American Masonic) does not allow children under the age of 20 to have independent perspectives and uncontrolled brains. Who can tell him that the truth is a better idea, he should not be like someone else older than him to be a person who repeats lying forever.

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I love how the swastika scares the holy shit out of our enemies. …Fucking absolutely love it.


they should be more afraid of The Hammer and Sickle symbol.


Once they are starving to death, they will.


or being tortured in a gulag for a ‘thought crime’… the purges of Stalin must have been Hell.


correct. Harvest and slaughter the innocent (conquered) lives and souls.

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Imagine the indignity these grieving parents have suffered twice. Not only did an illegal alien take the life of their son or daughter but when they dropped by the esteemed speaker of the house office unannounced the hag Pelosi didn’t even have the respect to talk to them.

This burned me up!!!
These people live in her district and she snubbed them, not surprising.
She probably started early that day.



does anyone kno wot mr adeler is on about, there seems to be some sensible sentiments in there somewhere…:thinking:

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I think adeler is a touch addled.

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