60 Negroids Shot in Chicago Over the Weekend

Originally published at: 60 Negroids Shot in Chicago Over the Weekend | Infostormer.com

The only way you will solve the problem of gun violence in Chicago is if you get rid of all the niggers there. They can’t stop shooting and killing one another because they are violent savages. The stats don’t lie.


Dozens of people were wounded in shootings across Chicago since Friday, police said.

One paramedic described the evening as "a war zone."

Since midnight, police said 43 people have been shot, six fatally. Since Friday at 5 p.m., 60 people have been shot, nine fatally, in shootings in Chicago.

34 of the shootings and five deaths occurred between 10 a.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. Sunday, according to police. During one two-and-a-half hour-hour period, 25 people were shot in five multi-injury shootings.

"We know that some of these incidents were targeted and are related to gang conflicts in those areas," said Chicago Police Chief of Patrol Fred Waller at a press conference Sunday afternoon.

This news story proves once again that it is time for common sense nigger controls in the United States of America. Who could argue otherwise? What is the purpose of having these niggers here? All they do is cause trouble and offer us nothing of value.

If they want to shoot and kill each other all day, let them do it in Africa. At least over there we won’t have to clean up the mess.


Let them colonize Wakanda by giving them all a one-way ticket back to where they came from. Paying for their tickets is a good investment for us.

Wakanda 2018 colonized


I could care less about niggers shooting and killing each other. In fact, I hope it continues and the number of victims increases.



I have no problem with negroids offing each other. This should be encouraged and promoted.

Nice that Jew Emanuel Rahm has the media covering for him - by focusing on the 7 arrested at Lollapalooza.

Nine military Americans dead overseas in such a short time would be an outrage - in Chicago, it’s another normal, typical weekend.