44 Americans Taken Off the Corona-Ship Were Infected

Originally published at: 44 Americans Taken Off the Corona-Ship Were Infected | Infostormer.com

It turns out that 44 of the 400 Americans that were on board the Diamond Princess corona-ship got infected with the coronavirus.


Approximately 400 U.S. citizens are aboard the Diamond Princess. According to Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 44 Americans on the cruise ship have been infected, though not all are sick.

The U.S. State Department has organized a charter flight to evacuate Americans as early as Sunday evening. Only those who are not currently showing symptoms of infection with the virus will be allowed to return to the U.S., where they will face two weeks of quarantine at military bases in California and Texas.

Americans who are sick will stay in Japan to be treated. Those who are not infected are not required to board the U.S. chartered flight, but the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo has recommended that U.S. citizens get off the ship as soon as possible and take the chartered flight home.

I guess this means that White people can catch the infection. As it is safe to assume that most of the Americans on this cruise ship would be White boomer-aged people. But it is also possible that Asians are just more susceptible to catching the virus. Unfortunately, this is all speculation since we aren’t getting any numbers about the race of those infected.

On top of this, 14 of the Americans who were evacuated off the ship and flown back to the states are confirmed to be infected.

#BREAKING 14 test positive among US plane evacuees from Japan coronavirus ship: State Dept pic.twitter.com/quBWlv6LK6

— AFP news agency (@AFP) February 17, 2020

This whole situation is just crazy. Why would those who tested positive be allowed to fly back to the states?

What sort of madness is this?


How the hell else are they supposed to do what ZOG wants them to do? - spread this virus to decimate the population.

You can be sure Israel isn’t taking in anyone suspected of being exposed to the virus.

It appears the virus IS racist after all:

This has led some to speculate that Asians, who have higher concentrations of ACE2 per the 1000 genome project may be affected to a greater degree than those of European ancestry, who produce the least of it - and have largely been the asymptomatic super spreaders.

Yea, ZOG will want to kill us off a being “super spreaders.”

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Has any Israeli caught or died of the virus?!?!?

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Let’s send the Diamond Princess to Tel Aviv.

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