400 Private Jets Fly Into COP26 Climate Change Summit

Originally published at: 400 Private Jets Fly Into COP26 Climate Change Summit | Infostormer.com

All the people telling us that we have to reduce our carbon footprint, live in pods and eat bugs to save the planet, are flying into this stupid COP26 climate change summit on private jets.

JUST IN – Jeff Bezos's $65m Gulf Stream leads parade of 400 private jets into #COP26, including scores of royals and "green" CEOs (Daily)

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 1, 2021

The big royal doofus Prince Charles who has been a major champion of this gay weather hoax, is calling for a military strategy and major economic changes to fight this fake problem.

NOW – Prince Charles claims a "vast military-style campaign" is required to marshal a "fundamental economic transition."pic.twitter.com/OA9LkSwfQ4

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 1, 2021

If these people were actually reducing their use of energy sources, living in pods and eating bugs, I could at least take their climate change arguments somewhat seriously. But none of these people are doing that. They’re flying around in private jets, eating fancy meals and living in luxurious mansions.

While they do this, they’re lecturing us on how we should live so they can implement this bizarre New World Order that enslaves people into a dystopic technological grid based off of carbon credits, health status and who knows what else. None of this has anything to do with the environment. It is about implementing more control over the world’s population.


I guess we must all now live in pods and eat bugs for quite some time to compensate for all the Gulfstreams flying in for this conference.

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