4 in 10 Americans Say They Believe in Trannyism

Originally published at: 4 in 10 Americans Say They Believe in Trannyism | Infostormer.com

A new poll from Pew is claiming that 4 in 10 Americans believe in trannyism.

Despite insistence from transgender activists that people can choose their sex, 60 percent of Americans believe sex is determined by biology. https://t.co/XocOtqhfrw

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) July 1, 2022

I don’t believe this poll. We have a situation where people are afraid of denying trannyism because they could get fired from their job or get called an evil transphobic bigot. So people just say that they believe in trannyism out of this fear.

The idea that sex isn’t determined at birth is patently absurd. People who are born one sex who think they are a different sex are mentally ill and are in need of help. The Jews who push this stuff have normalized this insanity for all sorts of nefarious and evil reasons.


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