250,000 Face Eviction in Las Vegas Within the Next Month

Originally published at: 250,000 Face Eviction in Las Vegas Within the Next Month | Infostormer.com

This is another story highlighting what is happening in the real economy. 250,000 people in Las Vegas face being evicted from their homes within the next month.


Las Vegas is facing a potential evictions crisis as residents struggle to make rent amid the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a recent study.

Job losses, a high number of renters, the lifting of the state eviction freeze and the recent expiration of federal unemployment benefits combine for a potential crisis in the city, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

Las Vegas research group Guinn Center and the COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project in Denver have estimated 249,700 people in Clark County, or more than 10% of its population, are at risk of eviction starting next month.

I can also personally confirm that Las Vegas is in lots of trouble. I was briefly there a few months ago to fuck a whore I met on the Internet. The entire place is dead. The casinos and hotels are empty. It looks nothing like it did prior to this virus hoax.

There are millions of people across the country in a similar situation as the 250,000 people in Las Vegas. I get that Donald Trump has ordered an extension of the moratorium on evictions, but this is not going to be sustainable in the long run. If the landlords aren’t getting the rent money from tenants, they won’t be able to pay their mortgages and taxes. So there’ll be a cascading impact.

And does anybody actually believe that America is going to be a safe place to live once all these people are evicted? You are going to have desperate homeless and hungry people all over the country and they are going to do desperate things.

I strongly suggest that you have the means to defend yourself. It is looking like things are going to get quite ugly in the coming months.

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