24 States to Raise Minimum Wage in 2020

Originally published at: 24 States to Raise Minimum Wage in 2020 | Infostormer.com

Close to half the country is going to be raising the minimum wage for people in 2020.


The minimum wage is set to go up in 72 jurisdictions in 2020. The increases will be in 24 states and 48 cities and counties, according to the advocacy group National Employment Law Project.

Most of those changes are set to begin on the first day of 2020, though New York’s pay raise is set to begin December 31, the NELP reported.

On New Year’s Day, 20 states and 26 cities and counties, mostly in California, will raise the minimum wages. Four more states and 23 more cities and counties will join later in the year, according to NELP.

Illinois workers will see the largest pay increase at more than 21 percent to $10.00 an hour. February 2019 Governor JB Pritzker signed a law that will raise Illinois’ minimum wage to $15.00 an hour by the year 2025. Missouri’s minimum wage will go from $8.60 an hour to $9.45.

“These increases will put much-needed money into the hands of the lowest-paid workers, many of whom struggle with high and ever-increasing costs of living,” wrote researcher and policy analyst Yannet Lathrop in a blog post announcing the new wages.

Indiana’s minimum wage is $7.25. There were multiple proposals to raise the minimum wage during the 2019 legislative session; a Senate proposal was referred to the Committee on Pensions and Labor while a House proposal was referred to the Committee on Government and Regulatory Reform.

Here are the states increasing the minimum wage next year:

Alaska (effective January 2020)
Arizona (effective January 2020)
Arkansas (effective January 2020)
California (effective January 2020)
Colorado (effective January 2020)
Connecticut (effective September 2020)
Florida (effective January 2020)
Illinois (effective July 2020)
Maine (effective January 2020)
Maryland (effective January 2020)
Massachusetts (effective January 2020)
Michigan (effective January 2020)
Minnesota (effective January 2020)
Missouri (effective January 2020)
Montana (effective January 2020)
Nevada (effective July 2020)
New Jersey (effective January 2020)
New Mexico (effective January 2020)
New York (effective December 31, 2019)
Ohio (effective January 2020)
Oregon (effective July 2020)
South Dakota (effective January 2020)
Vermont (effective January 2020)
Washington State (effective January 2020)

In theory increasing the minimum wage may sound like a good thing. But in reality it is a bad thing.

All this is going to do is speed up the rate at which companies automate these lower wage jobs. So while low wage workers will get a short term boost, it will be short lived after they get replaced by robots.

A McDonald’s in Phoenix has been run entirely by robots for a few years now. And that’s just one example of the automation wave that we’ll be seeing over the next 10 to 15 years.


If the government really wanted to increase wages, they could kick out all of these immigrants, illegal aliens and assorted vibrant colorfuls who have no business being here. You could also encourage women who have no business being in the job market, to be stay at home mothers.

This would limit the available labor and force companies to pay higher wages to attract workers.

But we can’t do this because of Jews, so instead we get fake solutions to real problems which is all this minimum wage increase is. At least increasing the minimum wage feels good, even though it will only exacerbate the problem that it is supposedly trying to solve.


Also looks like inflation is going through the roof.

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If the sheenies at the Fed can print Trillions in jewbux and hand it out to the sheenies on Wall St to gamble in their Jewish Casino with then it probably would not be so bad if the goyim serfs got an incremental increase in wages.

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