22 Rioters in Portland Finally Arrested on Federal Charges

Originally published at: 22 Rioters in Portland Finally Arrested on Federal Charges | Infostormer.com

After Donald Trump sent in militarized police to protect federal buildings in Portland, Oregon, the communist rioters decided to step it up a notch. The violence outside of a federal Portland courthouse has been particularly crazy. The Department of Justice has amazingly announced multiple arrests and are charging some of the rioters with federal crimes. This after police sustained multiple injuries.

Contraband such as gasoline, hockey sticks, defense shields, leaf blowers, paint sprayers, paint cans with paint, and a jar prepped for a Molotov cocktail confiscated by federal law enforcement from violent agitators outside federal Portland courthouse pic.twitter.com/DFHKV5k8Ov

— Justice Department (@TheJusticeDept) July 28, 2020

22 people have been arrested and are facing federal charges for their roles in weekend protests at the Hatfield Courthouse in Portland. Read more: https://t.co/gmLGzUZxhB #portland #federalcourt

— U.S. Attorney Oregon (@USAO_OR) July 28, 2020

There were 20 injuries to federal officers in one weekend in Portland. Antifa rioters throw projectiles like canned food and rocks at officers. They blind them with lasers and then throw explosive fireworks at their feet. #PortlandRiots pic.twitter.com/mLH5h5uDVs

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 28, 2020

If they actually go through with sending these terrorists to prison that would be a welcome change from the DOJ. Especially considering they’ve been reluctant to do anything about this ongoing communist revolution that’s taking place.

Hilariously, the Jew Jerry Nadler is claiming that the riots are a myth. Apparently the fat kike doesn’t know how to use the Internet and has been unable to see the hundreds of clips showing the violence that’s been taking place in Portland for the last few months. Either that or he’s just lying a trait which the Jewish race is well-known for.

Democrat House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler says that the violent antifa riots in Portland are “a myth.” https://t.co/sGetLzOEGj

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 27, 2020

Democrat Ralph Nadler says to @fleccas it’s a “myth” that violence & fires are happening in Portland.

Let’s check the tapes. pic.twitter.com/2eDpwUPyzT

— An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) July 27, 2020


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At this point anything less than public executions is just pussy BS.


Yeah, I’d like to know what happened to the war on terrorism. Apparently that only applies when the security of Israel is at stake. It doesn’t apply to domestic terrorists.


Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

I’m sure an army of Jewish lawyers has descended to post charges of “police brutality,” and/or “unlawful arrest of peaceful protesters”

And, an Obama-appointed judge will release them and the city will be sued by the “protesters” - as is happening in Philly:

Dozens of Philly Protesters Just Sued the City Over the Use of Tear Gas


Watched the Bill Barr Inquiry senate hearings and that Jerry Nadler’s collection of angry unhinged self-victimizing disruptive mental morons are truly the result of fluoridated water disturbing fetal brain formations.’ All those rioters should be marched out to the ocean’s low tide edge, tied to poles and shot, and come high tide let the little fishies have a feed.

Antifa Bomb Mastermind Caught By Grandma’s Cosplay Review

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