19-Year-Old Son of YouTube's Former Jew CEO Found Dead

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/19-year-old-son-of-youtubes-former-jew-ceo-found-dead/

The son of former Jew YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki was found dead in his Berkeley dorm room. He reportedly ingested a drug and they are saying that this drug is what killed him.

"He Ingested A Drug": Former YouTube CEO's Son Found Dead In UC Berkeley Dorm https://t.co/0rLBZIocmJ

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) February 18, 2024

Seems weird that some sort of minor recreational drug use would have killed him. He was not fat and seemed to be in good physical shape.

The obvious question is if he died from the COVID-19 vaxx. Or maybe the combination of being vaxxed and taking the drugs is what did him in.

We’ll never know for sure and I don’t really care. Susan was responsible for censoring people who raised questions about the COVID-19 hoax and the dangerous injections people were coerced into taking. She totally deserves this for the evil she participated in.


Good riddance. One less kike on our land.


All true but CIA thugs pressured them into censoring people. Not that they wouldn’t have done so anyway but the CIA is a terrorist organization that’s above the law. They’re forbidden by law to operate within the confines of the USA but they figured out a slight-of-hand way around the pesky Constitution.

Mr. Benz explains in detail how they did it. Basically they said that free-speech that they don’t like “threatens our democracy” and so allows them the legal right to operate within our borders.

I’m sure this is true because all the fake news outfits were using the “this is a threat to our democracy” to help push the censorship agenda.


this is likely. Having vax induced health issues of which you’re unaware will certainly lower your threshold to what is considered a safe dosage.


Autopsy reports are usually completed within 60 days from the date of autopsy ; however, there are cases which can take 90 days or longer depending on the complexity of the case. But they found out that week it wasn`t the jewjabbyjab. Riiiiiiiight.


That arrogant jewess censored information about COVID and the so-called vaccine for it from being seen on YouTube. That information might have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. So yeah, karma can be a real bitch.


One more Jew down, 6,000,000 to go. Do the jab pay the tab you scummy parasites.


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