13 Republicans Help Dems Pass $1.2T Fake Infrastructure Bill

Originally published at: 13 Republicans Help Dems Pass $1.2T Fake Infrastructure Bill | Infostormer.com

A handful of House Republicans helped pass a $1.2 trillion fake infrastructure bill that is part of this “Build Back Better” global reset insanity.

INSANE: Infrastructure passed 228-206. Six Democrats voted no. 13 Republicans broke ranks to vote yes.

— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) November 6, 2021

RINOS just passed this wasteful $1.2 trillion dollar “infrastructure” bill.

Pelosi did not have the votes in her party to pass this garbage.

Time to name names and hold these fake republicans accountable.

— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) November 6, 2021

There was no excuse whatsoever for one Republican to have voted for that massive socialist takeover of America disguised as an “infrastructure bill.”

You just destroyed your nation. You are now enemies. And every resource will be directed to your primary opponents.

— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) November 6, 2021

I’m not even sure what the Republicans got in return for going along with this. Doesn’t look like they got much of anything proving once again how useless they are. The bill would not have gone forward if all Republicans just stood against it due to some divisions amongst the Democrats.

I’m all for real infrastructure improvements, but much of what is in this so-called “infrastructure” in this bill is just garbage. Lots of kook green energy initiatives etc..

I voted against this so-called “infrastructure” bill. This bill only serves to advance the America Last’s socialist agenda, while completely lacking fiscal responsibility. Less than 9% of the $1.2 trillion price tag goes toward hard infrastructure.

— Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (@RepGosar) November 6, 2021

This is basically a trillion dollars that will be thrown into a black hole. We will see little in terms of real infrastructure improvements with this ridiculous legislation.

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Jews believe in taking things down to an individual level.

Most likely, those traitorous Republicans’ war chests were funded by Jews - they were told if they didn’t vote “correctly” that money and positive media coverage would go to their opponent during the next election (another Republican controlled by Jews).

Or the usual - threats of blackmail (re: Justice Roberts), and/or the usual promises of lucrative book deals, lecture tours, invites to the best cocktail parties, a fat sinecure and access to TV talk shows.

It’s safe to assume that they’re all compromised in some capacity.

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