12 Hospitalized After Boeing Plane Suffers "Technical Event"

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/12-hospitalized-after-boeing-plane-suffers-technical-event/

There was yet another incident involving a Boeing airplane the other day. This one occurred during a Boeing Dreamliner flight between Sydney and Auckland. A “technical event” of some kind caused the airplane to do some wacky shit resulting in the hospitalization of 12 people.

NEW: 12 hospitalised after LATAM flight LA800 — a Boeing Dreamliner — experienced an unspecified “technical event”https://t.co/mPqck4flrx

— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) March 11, 2024

50 some people were injured as a result of the “technical event.”

Boeing’s awful start to 2024 just got worse after 50 people were injured on one of its planes due to a "technical event." https://t.co/jugkyKT7tL

— FORTUNE (@FortuneMagazine) March 12, 2024

This event happens as we have a Boeing whistleblower ending up dead under highly suspicious circumstances and all sorts of other safety related events with Boeing airplanes.

Boeing literally decided to have niggers and women build their airplanes while forcing out competent people because they had the wrong skin color. This insanity is the end result of all this. It is becoming a public relations disaster of enormous proportions and Boeing has not come out with any sort of coherent plan to fix and address this. They could simply say that we aren’t going to have niggers and women build and maintain aircraft but they appear to be incapable of doing that.

At some point we are going to turn on the news one day to see that a mass death situation occurred because of a technical or maintenance fault in a Boeing airplane.


The corrupt FAA will wait for a disaster before they ground any of these flying coffins.


Next time I go to Europe it will be on Lufthansa, not some shitty American carrier that’s always looking for a way to cut corners and nickel and dime you to death. And the plane will be an Airbus, not a poorly manufactured and maintained aircraft from Boeing, where addressing institutionalized racism and sexism is more important than passenger safety.

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Technical event, huh?
One of these days, a Boeing jet full of travelers will be cruising at about 25,000 feet and the wings will both disintegrate right at about the same time and for no apparent reason…right over a big city during rush hour.
And they’ll call it “A Technical Fireworks Show” in the press.

LOL, the guy in that oxygen mask illustration must surely be a jew.


They practically have a built-in oxygen mask that they are born with and travels wherever they go. It’s actually bigger than a typical oxygen mask and often sucks all the air out of a room, like a vacuum.

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Jokes aside, imagine being one of the people hospitalized and imagine the sheer terror and panic… up at 30000 feet… I think is what the illustration conveys…
I’d like to see one of these hospitalized people do an interview on TV in prime time…

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Probably won’t show up on any Jewish broadcasting networks. It is incriminating . Not that they care all that much about that. They pretty much do whatever they want. And they also Censor things whenever they want .
Our history probably has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. I wonder how much of it has been erased by kike-run publishing establishments?

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Yes I was thinking the same.
Perhaps some internet video hosting site might allow it to be shown, is probably the only hope.
Of course now that jews control search engine results… might be hard to find…
If many people were to watch this type of interview, I think it would light a fire under their asses to realize how serious this is for them.

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This would break the entire fake narrative as the fact their work and skills are sub-quality is something they will never admit. Low IQ negroes, as we know, will never admit fault, and of course they dindu nuffins. Classic Tyrone. The Kike media will probably never admit they are at fault and some are incopetent. NONETHELESS ITS TRUE.

This is not pretend world, do you think you can also pretend your way back to life after dying in a plane crash???
THings women or nogs want to be true, that are not, WILL NEVER BE TRUE… accept reality you. Accept the truth.

It’s just like what already happened with NASA… after all white men planned and then landed on the moon… they brought in more women and then a ton of nigs… they thought they could pretend their way onward… did that work NO. NASA is mostly a joke now and that is why.

This is also what the whole Biden admin and most Democrats stand for… pretend world where everyone is equal… it’s just not true and never was and never will be… ITS A LIE.
Give it up the lie everyone… it’s a lie. Don’t be stupid!

I for one doubt that NASA could even land on the moon successfully nowadays despite they have ALL the records of it being done successfully and all they need to do is spelled out for them!

Women should be working in clerical jobs not assembly jobs.

Negroes well be better off they were working in the sanitation department as janitors for the earth-based facilities, and that’s about it.

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Diversity is our greatest weakness, and here is proof,

the more niggers you have working there, the higher the percentage, the more unsafe your planes get.

Just like the whole country.

But it really will be shown in industries with little room for errors.

People who could never in a million years invent a working airplane should not be building them for facks sake!

FAA audit of Boeing’s 737 production found mechanics using hotel card and dish soap as makeshift tools: report

and of course there’s classic nigger lazyness and stupidity… it’s called nigger-rigging for a reason… great industry to have that happening… unbelievable really… disgusting…
Who knows maybe these monkey mechanics were hoping to kill some whiteys? Get back at the YT boss man.

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