1 in 5 Active Twitter Accounts are Likely Spam or Fake

Originally published at: 1 in 5 Active Twitter Accounts are Likely Spam or Fake | Infostormer.com

An external analysis of Twitter’s active users indicated that around 1in 5 of them are likely spam bots or fake accounts.

On Friday, @ElonMusk said his deal to acquire Twitter was on hold pending an analysis of "spam/fake" accounts.

We've now completed an analysis of 44,058 public Twitter accounts who've tweeted in the last 90 days. 19.42% are likely spam or fake.

Details: https://t.co/5CfKab0FAY

— Rand Fishkin (@randfish) May 15, 2022

Twitter CEO Parag the Pooper went into damage control claiming that it was impossible to come to such conclusions without their internal data.

Unfortunately, we don’t believe that this specific estimation can be performed externally, given the critical need to use both public and private information (which we can’t share). Externally, it’s not even possible to know which accounts are counted as mDAUs on any given day.

— Parag Agrawal (@paraga) May 16, 2022

This is obvious bullshit from Parag the Pooper. All you need are the posts being posted by the account which is public information. That gives you the general behavior of the user account. I don’t even know what sort of private information this moron could be talking about. You absolutely don’t need private information to determine if an account is a spam account or not. To think that this street shitting retard is the CEO of the most important communication platform on the planet is really unbelievable.

He also claimed that they suspend half a million spam accounts a day while maintaining the stance that 5 percent of daily users are spam accounts. This does not mathematically make sense.

Twitter CEO Parag on spam:

"We suspend over half a million spam accounts every day, usually before any of you even see them on Twitter. We also lock millions of accounts each week that we suspect may be spam"

says less than 5% of daily users are spam accounts https://t.co/jB05F5wFt4

— Hedgeye (@Hedgeye) May 16, 2022

As I was writing this, I came across Elon Musk’s response to the tweet which pretty much sums up everything I was thinking.


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 16, 2022

It’s an obvious fact that Twitter has an enormous issue with spam and fake accounts. It’s been a feature of the site that has been used to project false realities. The current regime of Parag the Pooper has no interest in solving this problem. It’s just hilarious that he thinks he can fool people into thinking that it is not possible to do a spambot analysis on publicly available information.

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So much fakery and deceit!

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Without citing a source, Musk claimed in a tweet that Twitter is “20% fake/spam accounts”

I suspect Elon has a solid source and the bot level is more like 25%.

If Elon exposes Twitter and collapses it, fine. If he drives down the price, fires most of the staff and creates a true free speech, that is even better.

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