1,300 NYT Workers Refusing to Return to the Office

Originally published at: 1,300 NYT Workers Refusing to Return to the Office | Infostormer.com

1,300 employees who work for The New York Times don’t want to return to the office and this is causing some friction with Jewish management.

New York Times employees are so angry about the snail-like pace of contract talks & about not receiving a contractual raise in 2 1/2 years that 1,300 NYT employees have signed a petition saying they won't return to the officehttps://t.co/gbW4YueSuB

— Steven Greenhouse (@greenhousenyt) September 13, 2022

Hopefully they go on strike and cripple this Jewish propaganda operation. It would be very funny if they were to do that.


Quite frankly though, I don’t get why you need over 1,000 people to run a news operation like this in 2022. If I were running this newspaper, I’d fire most of the so-called “journalists” and strike syndication deals with various Internet people. The front page would have Daily Stormer articles alongside Happy Merchant images. By doing this, you could greatly reduce staff and greatly increase the quality of the content which pretty much sucks right now. Most of what they currently publish is just Jewish bullshit and lies.

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